Basic Methods of Structural Geology

Книга Basic Methods of Structural Geology

Автор: Marshak S., Mitra G.
Название: Basic Methods of Structural Geology
Издательство: Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hal
Год: 1988
Формат: PDF
Размер: 159.95mb
язык: английский
Elementary techniques
Measurement of attitude and location
Interpretation and construction of contour maps
Geometric methods I: Attitude calculations
Geometric methods II: Dimension calculations
Introduction to stereographic projections
Stereographic poles and rotations
Calculation of layer attitude in drill holes
Equal-area projections and structural analysis
Special topics
Interpretation of geologic maps
Analysis of data from rock-deformation experiments
Description of mesoscopic structures
Analysis of fracture array geometry
Objective methods for constructing profiles and block diagrams of folds
Introduction to cross-section balancing
Analysis of two-dimensional finite strain
Interpretation of poly-deformed terranes
Review of the key concepts of maps, cross sections, diagrams, and photos
Basic trigonometry
Suggestions for mapping geologic structures
Templates for plotting geologic data

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Формат: Книга
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