Programming C# 4.0, 6th Edition

Книга Programming C# 4.0, 6th Edition

Автор: Ian Griffiths
Издательство: O’Reilly Media
Год издания: 2010
Страниц: 864
ISBN: 978-0596159832
Язык: английский
Размер: 6.7 Мб
Формат файла: PDF
With its support for dynamic programming, C# 4.0 continues to evolve as a versatile language on its own. But when C# is used with .NET Framework 4, the combination is incredibly powerful. This bestselling tutorial shows you how to build web, desktop, and rich Internet applications using C# 4.0 with .NET’s database capabilities, UI framework (WPF), extensive communication services (WCF), and more.
In this sixth edition, .NET experts Ian Griffiths, Matthew Adams, and Jesse Liberty cover the latest enhancements to C#, as well as the fundamentals of both the language and framework. You’ll learn concurrent programming with C# 4.0, and how to use .NET tools such as the Entity Framework for easier data access, and the Silverlight platform for browser-based RIA development.
* Learn C# fundamentals, such as variables, flow control, loops, and methods
* Build complex programs with object-oriented and functional programming techniques
* Process large collections of data with the native query features in LINQ
* Communicate across networks with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
* Learn the advantages of C# 4.0′s dynamic language features
* Build interactive Windows applications with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
* Create rich web applications with Silverlight and ASP.NET

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