Журнал Men’s Health № 3 March 2016 South Africa

Журнал Журнал Men’s Health № 3 March 2016 South Africa

Название: Men’s Health № 3 March 2016 South Africa
Автор: Коллектив
Страниц: 148
Формат: PDF
Размер: 58,69 Мб
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2016
Men’s Health – главный мужской журнал во всем мире. Новости и статьи, советы экспертов и блоги, конкурсы и подарки. Всё про жизнь для современного мужчины.
Secrets from the World’s Fittest Men! Idris Elba and a crew of fighters, actors and athletes show you how to drop 10kg, build arms and abs, and make women swoon.
You buy the sneakers you’ve been saving for, meet friends for breakfast or go for an early morning ride. Or you lie in. Maybe you chill on your balcony letting that weekend feeling wash over you after a big night out. Whatever you choose, nothing really beats a Saturday for making you feel like you have a free pass. For the past few years, most of my Saturday mornings have followed the same routine. It rarely changes and I don’t get tired of it no matter how many times I repeat the circuit. My car might as well be on autopilot. First stop is my local coffee shop. No questions asked, just nod the order, sit at the bar and take in the rockabilly sounds and smell of roasted beans. Sometimes my wife joins me or I meet a mate, but mostly it’s a solo mission and I stare at the noticeboard, read the paper and let the strong brew wake my senses. Before I leave I pick up my week’s supply of beans. Then, invigorated, I head out towards the butcher.
It’s out of the way, at the back of an industrial area off the N1, but usually busy by the time I get there. It’s an old-school meat shop: shiny metal tops, white tiles and efficient staff in white coats weighing and packing meat. I don’t suppose much has changed in years. Just the way I like it – I try to avoid supermarkets at all costs. It’s at this butcher that I ordered my first brisket, got advice on how to make biltong and was introduced to my new favourite cut of steak. I’m an unashamed carnivore and over the years I’ve been lucky enough to pick up some pretty valuable tips on preparing protein from the pros. Roasting?
The trick is to cook it low and slow: anything tastes good after sweating for eight hours. Forget sauce, rather go for rubs. Chef’s tip? Use ground coffee in your next pork shoulder or brisket rub. The best cut you’re not eating? Ask for fillet “head” – the unshapely but incredibly tender bit at the top usually trimmed off and kept aside by your butcher. For more brilliant – and tasty – ideas to boost your protein intake go directly to our complete guide on page 118. The Rock would approve. A final note: eat the best meat you can afford. And try to know where it comes from. Choosing responsibly farmed, free-range meat is not only a healthier option, but a more responsible one. For starters, find your local butcher and make friends. Gentlemen, start your fires.

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