Swift Game Programming for Absolute Beginners +code

Книга Swift Game Programming for Absolute Beginners +code

Название: Swift Game Programming for Absolute Beginners
Автор: Arjan Egges
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2015
Страниц: 353
Язык: English
Формат: pdf+code
Размер: 5 Mb+144,7 Mb
Swift Game Programming for Absolute Beginners teaches Apple’s Swift language in the context of four, fun and colorful games. Learn the Swift 2.0 language, and learn to create game apps for iOS at the same time – a double win!
The four games you’ll develop while reading this book are:
Tut’s Tomb
Penguin Pairs
Tick Tick
These four games are casual, arcade-style games representing the aim-and-shoot, casual, puzzle, and platform styles of game play. Professionally developed game assets form part of the book download. You’ll get professionally drawn sprites and imagery that’ll have you proud to show your learning to friends and family.
The approach in Swift Game Programming for Absolute Beginners follows the structure of a game rather than the syntax of a language. You’ll learn to create game worlds, manage game objects and game states, define levels for players to pass through, implement animations based upon realistic physics, and much more. Along the way you’ll learn the language, but always in the context of fun and games.
Swift is Apple’s new programming language introduced in 2014 to replace Objective-C as the main programming language for iOS devices and Mac OS X. Swift is a must learn language for anyone targeting Apple devices, and Swift Game Programming for Absolute Beginners provides the most fun you’ll ever have in stepping over the threshold toward eventual mastery of the language.
What you’ll learn
Write applications in possibly the most important new language of the decade
Create games to run on Apple devices such as phones and tablets, and desktops too
Create and manage game worlds having multiple levels through which players progress
React to player input whether from mouse, keyboard, or touch
Achieve realistic movement of game objects through applied physics
Prepare your games properly for commercial deployment
Who this book is for
Swift Game Programming for Absolute Beginners is for programmers and technology enthusiasts wanting to learn to program and develop applications for Apple devices such as phones and tablets. The book is also for anyone wanting to learn to program in Apple's new language named Swift. No prior knowledge of Swift is assumed. Swift Game Programming for Absolute Beginners teaches the Swift language from scratch in the context of creating a series of fun and colorful games that you'll be proud to develop and show to your friends, neighbors, and colleagues.
Table of Contents
Part I: Getting Started
1. The Swift Language
2. Game Programming Basics
3. Creating a Game World
4. Game Assets
Part II: Painter
5. Knowing What the Player is Doing
6. Reacting to Player Input
7. Basic Game Objects
8. Game Object Types
9. Colors and Collisions
10. Limited Lives
11. Organizing Game Objects
12. Finishing the Painter Game
Part III: Galactic Waste
13. Adapting to Different Devices
14. Game Object Hierarchies
15. Game Physics
16. Game Object Interaction
17. Finishing the Galactic Waste Game
Part IV: Penguin Pairs
18. Sprite Sheets
19. Storing and Recalling Game Data
20. Pairing the Penguins
21. Finishing the Penguin Pairs Game
22. The Main Game Structure
23. Animation
Part V: Tick Tick
24. Platform Game Physics
25. Intelligent Enemies
26. Adding Player Interaction
27. Finishing the Tick Tick Game
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