Learning Scala: Practical Functional Programming for the JVM

Книга Learning Scala: Practical Functional Programming for the JVM

Автор: Jason Swartz
Название: Learning Scala: Practical Functional Programming for the JVM
Язык: English
Издательство: Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly Media
Год: 2014
Формат: pdf
Размер: 15,4 mb
Страниц: 256

Why learn Scala? You don’t need to be a data scientist or distributed computing expert to appreciate this object-oriented functional programming language. This practical book provides a comprehensive yet approachable introduction to the language, complete with syntax diagrams, examples, and exercises. You’ll start with Scala's core types and syntax before diving into higher-order functions and immutable data structures.
Author Jason Swartz demonstrates why Scala’s concise and expressive syntax make it an ideal language for Ruby or Python developers who want to improve their craft, while its type safety and performance ensures that it’s stable and fast enough for any application.
Learn about the core data types, literals, values, and variables
Discover how to think and write in expressions, the foundation for Scala's syntax
Write higher-order functions that accept or return other functions
Become familiar with immutable data structures and easily transform them with type-safe and declarative operations
Create custom infix operators to simplify existing operations or even to start your own domain-specific language
Build classes that compose one or more traits for full reusability, or create new functionality by mixing them in at instantiation
 Table of contents:
Preface.............................................................................. ix
Part I. Core Scala
1. Getting Started with the Scalable Language................................3
Installing Scala 3
Using the Scala REPL 4
Summary 6
Exercises 6
2. Working with data: Literals, Values, Variables, and Types................9
Values 10
Variables 12
Naming 13
Types 15
Numeric Data Types 15
Strings 17
An Overview of Scala Types 21
Tiiples 25
Summary 26
Exercises 26
3. Expressions and Conditionals............................................27
Expressions 27
Defining Values and Variables with Expressions 28
Expression Blocks 28
Statements 29
If-Else Expression Blocks 30
If Expressions 30
If-Else Expressions 31
Match Expressions 31
Matching with Wildcard Patterns 34
Matching with Pattern Guards 36
Matching Types with Pattern Variables 36
Loops 37
Iterator Guards 39
Nested Iterators 39
Value Binding 40
While and DoAVhile Loops 40
Summary 41
Exercises 42
4. Functions.............................................................. 45
Procedures 48
Functions with Empty Parentheses 48
Function Invocation with Expression Blocks 49
Recursive Functions 50
Nested Functions 52
Calling Functions with Named Parameters 53
Parameters with Default Values 53
Vararg Parameters 54
Parameter Groups 55
Type Parameters 55
Methods and Operators 57
Writing Readable Functions 60
Summary 62
Exercises 62
5. First-Class Functions.................................................. 65
Function Types and Values 66
Higher-Order Functions 68
Function Literals 69
Placeholder Syntax 72
Partially Applied Functions and Currying 74
By-Name Parameters 75
Partial Functions 76
Invoking Higher-Order Functions with Function Literal Blocks 78
Summary 80
Exercises 81
6. Common Collections 83
Lists, Sets, and Maps 83
Whats in a List? 86
The Cons Operator 89
List Arithmetic 90
Mapping Lists 92
Reducing Lists 93
Converting Collections 98
Java and Scala Collection Compatibility 99
Pattern Matching with Collections 100
Summary 101
Exercises 102
7. More Collections 107
Mutable Collections 107
Creating New Mutable Collections 108
Creating Mutable Collections from Immutable Ones 109
Using Collection Builders 111
Arrays 112
Seq and Sequences 113
Streams 115
Monadic Collections 117
Option Collections 117
Try Collections 121
Future Collections 125
Summary 130
Exercises 131
Part II. Object-Oriented Scala
Classes 137
Defining Classes 142
More Class Types 146
Abstract Classes 146
Anonymous Classes 148
More Field and Method Types 149
Overloaded Methods 149
Apply Methods 150
Lazy Values 150
Packaging 151
Accessing Packaged Classes 152
Packaging Syntax 156
Privacy Controls 158
Privacy Access Modifiers 160
Final and Sealed Classes 161
Summary 162
Exercises 162
Objects, Case (lasses, and Traits 167
Objects 167
Apply Methods and Companion Objects 169
Command-Line Applications with Objects 172
Case Classes 173
Traits 176
Self Types 180
Instantiation with Traits 182
Importing Instance Members 184
Summary 185
Break—Configuring Your First Scala Project 186
Exercises 191
Advanced Typing 199
Tuple and Function Value Classes 201
Implicit Parameters 203
Implicit Classes 205
Types 207
Type Aliases 207
Abstract Types 208
Bounded Types 209
Type Variance 212
Package Objects 216
Summary 217
Questions 218
Reserved Words 221

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