101 Number Activities

Книга 101 Number Activities

название: 101 Number Activities
автор: Gayle Bittinger
год: 2004
издатель : School Specialty Publishing
формат: pdf
страниц: 82
language: English
Ages 3-6
ISBN : 1-57029-488-7
размер: 1,4 mb
101 Действие Числа разделено на восемь глав, каждая отражает ранний учебный план для детей от 3 лет.
Книга разработана как ресурс для того, чтобы помочь дошкольникам узнать о числах.
Охватывает области учебного плана, включая математику, языковое развитие, науку, искусство, и музыку.
101 Number Activities is designed as a resource for helping young children learn about numbers. The
skill-building activities in this book invite children to explore numbers, number recognition, and
counting. Both cooperative and individual learning are encouraged through the hands-on,
developmentally appropriate activities.
101 Number Activities is divided into eight chapters, each one reflecting an early childhood curriculum
area. You will find activities to foster children’s social and emotional development, language and literacy
skills, and understanding of math concepts. You will also find science activities that strengthen the
children’s observation and reasoning skills, music and movement activities that get everyone involved, and
art activities that inspire creativity and cooperation. There are also activities for dramatic play and activities
to help children develop their fine and large motor skills.
As you work with the activities in this book, you will find that opportunities for learning about numbers are
everywhere. Feel free to take advantage of these opportunities, incorporating your own ideas and
encouraging the children to explore the world of numbers and counting around them. With 101 Number
Activities as a resource, you can help make their learning of numbers and counting an adventure of fun
and discovery.

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