Osprey Graphic History 3 - The Empire Falls. Battle of Midway

Журнал Osprey Graphic History 3 - The Empire Falls. Battle of Midway

Название: Osprey Graphic History 3 - The Empire Falls. Battle of Midway
Автор: White, Erskine, Richard Elson
Издательство: Ospey publishing Ltd., Oxford, Rosen Book Works Inc.
Страниц: 51
Формат: PDF
Размер: 42 Мб
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 51 2007
ISBN: 1-84603-058-7
Сория комиксов про войны.
В номере - Морское битва у острова Мидуей.
One of the most important naval battles in history, Midway marked a crucial turning point in the war in the Pacific. With a fleet that had dominated this theater since the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese anticipated certain victory against the US forces. Outgunned and under strength, the US Navy nevertheless had superior intelligence that cracked the code well before the battle's onset: the Japanese ambush did not come as a surprise. From July 4-7, 1942, the US dealt a devastating blow to the Imperial Japanese Fleet, sinking four irreplaceable carriers, while securing the US a place to launch their island-hopping counterattack. Characterized by espionage, daring, luck, and extreme heroism on both sides, the story of Midway is vividly depicted in this book through 36 pages of comic book-style narrative. The story is complemented with background information detailing the key players, the experience of the forces, and the aftermath of the battle.

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