Terrorizer's Secret Histories Of Norway - May (2014)

Журнал Terrorizer's Secret Histories Of Norway - May (2014)

Название (Name): Terrorizer's Secret Histories Of Norway
Год выпуска (Year): 2014
Месяц (Month): May
Описание (Description): Music,Black Metal
Язык (Language): English
Формат (Format): PDF
Количество страниц (Pages): 84
Размер (Size): 65.33 Mb
Terrorizer brings you a special publication: The Secret History Of NORWAY, the story of the most extreme music scene in history, as told by the people that were there.
We bring you the history of all that transpired in that famous black metal scene of the early 1990s - the music, the mayhem, the murders and the controversy. We get the oral history on what it was actually like to be a part of that scene, as told by the key players.
We bring you an explosive interview with Necrobutcher from MAYHEM, the only man who was there from the very beginning and is still part of it today. Let him guide you through the genesis of the most notorious band in the world, through the dreadful death of Euronymous and the rebirth of the band.
We profile Fenriz from DARKTHRONE, getting to the real man behind the myth. We talk to the Sons Of Northern Darkness themeselves, IMMORTAL, on their incredible career. We speak to the ever-evolving SATYRICON, getting the full run-down of their restless creativity. We also speak to the only band that scared the black metallers themselves: the homoerotic horror punks TURBONEGRO.
We bring you full reports on the other scenes of Norway, from the avant-garde weirdness to the death metal destruction and the fury of Oslo punk. We explore the imagery and lyrical inspiration behind the music, and discover there is far more to Norway than just Satan. We bring you the complete guide to all the essential Norwegian records, and explore in-depth the crucial albums that took Norwegian music worldwide.
The secret history of Norway takes in:
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