Книга Playboy № 7-8 July-August 2015 USA

Журнал Книга Playboy № 7-8 July-August 2015 USA

Название: Playboy № 7-8 July-August 2015 USA
Автор: коллектив
Страниц: 164
Формат: PDF
Размер: 121 МБ
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2015
Playboy — легендарный журнал для мужчин, основанный в 1953 году Хью Хефнером и его коллегами, выросший в настоящую империю Playboy Enterprises, влияние которой распространяется на все области медиа. Playboy — один из самых известных в мире брендов.
Полная версия.
Who doesn't take for granted how far technology has come in just а few years? Jet packs and time travel Look Lame next to the far-reaching wish fulfillment granted bу our multitude of devices. But what happens when you put that much choice at everyone's fingertips? Endless Love, our excerpt from comedian Aziz Ansari and sociologist Eric Klinenberg's new nonfiction book, fvlodern Romance, is а far-reaching (and hilarious) internet-age survey of how choice affects our favorite areas: sex and dating.
It's guaranteed to bе on everyone's Lips this summer. What won't bе, however, is the all but forgotten Deepwater Horizon oil spill; in The Poisoned Gulf, Linda Marsa reports from the front Lines, where workers and residents still struggle with unprecedented medical proЬlems-not from the spill but from the cleanup. From the Gulf we turn to what we know best: women with beauty and smarts. As pioneering sex researcher Virginia Johnson on Showtime's fvlasters of Sex, Lizzy CapLan shows off her abundance of both. Find out how she approaches brainy bedroom scenes and overzealous fans in 20Q.
Actor Jeremy Renner is а shapeshifter with career-making roles this summer in Avengers: Age of Ultron and fvlission: ImpossiЬleRogue Nation; he opens up in our Playboy Interview about his side hustles (L.A. real estate) and personal Life (rumors about his nasty divorce). Love him or hate him, we get closer to the core of the man than ever before. Chuck PaLahniuk is one of the few people we know who can follow an act Like Renner's; he serves up а signature gut-wrenching short story in Dad All Over that may cast your own old man in an entirely new (albeit gruesome) Light. In "Not Quite the End of Men," economist ALLison Schrager delivers а Forum essay that readers of both genders will appreciate, dismantling the theory that men today are Losing out in the job market. Tim Struby Looks at а different tribe of beleaguered folks-Irish gypsies known as travelersin The Ballad of John Joe Nevin, а profile of the celebrated boxer whose traveler heritage is interwoven with his career.
In "Feminists With Benefits" HiLary Winston pens another hilarious Women column on а weighty topic: redefin ing feminism Ьу unabashedly embracing sex. Finally, in Wild About Harri we delve into the career of master photographer and art director Harri Peccinotti, who has devoted his Life to the celebration of female beauty. Remind you of anyone? Here's another issue of progressive ideas and prepossessing women. ALL you have to do is flip the page.

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