PIC microcontrollers, 3rd edition

Журнал PIC microcontrollers, 3rd edition

PIC microcontrollers : low-cost computers-in-a-chip; they allow electronics designers and hobbyists add intelligence and functions that mimic big computers for almost any electronic product or project. The purpose of this book is not to make a microcontroller expert out of you, but to make you equal to those who had someone to go to for their answers. Book contains many practical examples, complete assembler instruction set, appendix on MPLAB program package and more...
In this book you can find: Practical connection samples for Relays, Optocouplers, LCD's, Keys, Digits, A to D Converters, Serial communication etc. Introduction to microcontrollers Learn what they are, how they work, and how they can be helpful in your work. Assembler language programming How to write your first program, use of macros, addressing modes... Instruction Set Description, sample and purpose for using each instruction... MPLAB program package How to install it, how to start the first program, following the program step by step in the simulator...

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