Storia dell'arte Italiana 4 volume set / Italian Art History

Книга Storia dell'arte Italiana 4 volume set / Italian Art History

Автор: Carlo Bertelli, Giuliano Briganti, Antonio Giuliano
Название: Storia dell'arte Italiana 4 volume set / Italian Art History
Издательство: Electa / Bruno Mondadori
Год: 1986
Формат: PDF
Язык: Italian
Размер: 1.2 GB
An excellent 4-volume set on Italian art history. The history of Italian art is the art of Italy through time and space. After Etruscan civilization and especially the Roman Republic and Empire that dominated this part of the world for many centuries, Italy was central to European art during the Renaissance. Italy also saw European artistic dominance in the 16th and 17th centuries with the Baroque artistic movement. It re-established a strong presence in the international art scene from the mid-19th century onwards, with movements such as the Macchiaioli, Futurism, Metaphysical, Novecento Italiano, Spatialism, Arte Povera and Transavantgarde.
Italian art has influenced several major movements throughout the centuries and has produced several great artists, including painters and sculptors. Today, Italy has an important place in the international art scene, with several major art galleries, museums and exhibitions; major artistic centres in the country include its capital city, Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan, Naples, Turin, and other cities.
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