The Shredded Chef: 120 Recipes for Building Muscle, Getting Lean, and Staying Healthy

Книга The Shredded Chef: 120 Recipes for Building Muscle, Getting Lean, and Staying Healthy

Название:The Shredded Chef: 120 Recipes for Building Muscle, Getting Lean, and Staying Healthy
Издательство: Oculus
Автор:Michael Matthews
Год: 2012
Количество страниц:324
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер:11,3 Mb
Let me ask you a few questions:
Do you lack confidence in the kitchen and think that you just can't cook great food?
Are you not sure of how to prepare food that is not only delicious and healthy but also effective in helping you build muscle and lose fat?
Are you afraid that cooking nutritious, restaurant-quality meals is too time-consuming and expensive?
Do you think that eating healthy means having to force down the same boring, bland food every day?
If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, don't worry--you're not alone. And this book is the answer: With it, you can cook fast, healthy, and tasty meals every day (and on a reasonable budget) that will help you build muscle or lose weight, regardless of your current skills.
The Shredded Chef is more than just a bunch of recipes, though. In this book, you're going to learn how to eat right without having to obsess over every calorie. These 9 scientifically proven rules for eating are the foundation of every great physique, and they have nothing to do with following weird diets or depriving yourself of everything that tastes good.
And the recipes themselves? In this book you'll find 120 healthy, flavorful recipes specifically designed for athletes that want to build muscle or lose fat. Regardless of your fitness goals, this book has got you covered.
Here's a "sneak peek" of the recipes you'll find inside:
14 fast, delicious breakfast recipes like Zucchini Frittata, French Muscle Toast, Sweet Potato Protein Pancakes, Breakfast Pita Wrap, Baked Raisin Oatmeal, and more. Whether you're trying to burn fat or build muscle, you'll find recipes that will help you get there.
18 mouthwatering chicken & turkey dishes like Mike's Mexican Meatloaf, Greek Pita Pizza, Pollo Fajitas, Pineapple Chicken, and more. Forget boring poultry dishes, even when cutting!
14 tasty beef recipes like Korean BBQ Beef, Mike's Muscle Burgers, Beef Stroganoff, Adobo Sirloin, and more. Enjoy beef like never before with these creative recipes. You'll even find low-calorie beef dishes perfect for losing weight!
10 savory fish and seafood recipes like Savory Soy and White Wine Halibut, Graham-Coated Tilapia, Salmon Burgers, Tuna Salad Stuffed Peppers, and more. Never again settle for flavorless, unappetizing fish and seafood--these recipes will have you singing praises for the sea!
7 hearty, healthy pasta recipes like Asparagus & Goat Cheese Pasta, Chicken Cacciatore, Beef Lasagna, Chicken Fettuccine with Mushrooms, and more. Each of the pasta dishes are high in protein, making them great muscle-building treats.
14 awesome side dishes like Wasabi Cranberry Quinoa Salad, Curry Potatoes and Cauliflower, Couscous Salad, Sweet Potato Chips, Brown Rice Pilaf, and more. You're going to love mixing and matching these side dishes with the entrees and discovering your favorite combinations!
5 delectable desserts like Key Lime Pie, Peach Cobbler, Protein Milkshake, and more. These sugar-free desserts will satisfy your sweet tooth without the calorie overload!
And more! (I haven't even mentioned the recipes for pork, salads, protein shakes, protein bars, and snacks...)
This book also includes dozens of beautiful, full color, professionally shot photographs of recipes being prepared, and the final meals themselves.
With this book, you'll also get a free spreadsheet that lists every recipe in the book along with their calories, protein, carbs, and fats! Chances are you're going to want to use the recipes to plan out your daily meals, and this spreadsheet makes it a simple matter of copy and pasting!
Scroll up and click the "Buy" button now to forever escape the dreadful experience of "dieting" and learn how to cook nutritious, delicious meals that make building muscle and burning fat easy and enjoyable!

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