The Hip and Pelvis in Sports Medicine and Primary Care

Книга The Hip and Pelvis in Sports Medicine and Primary Care

Название:The Hip and Pelvis in Sports Medicine and Primary Care
Автор:Peter Seidenberg, Jimmy D. Bowen
Дата издания:2010-05-20
Размер: 6.2 mb
This handbook is an invaluable resource for improving the management of hip and pelvis injuries in sports medicine and primary care. Chapters cover the fundamentals, including epidemiology, history and physical examination, and functional and kinetic chain evaluation. Injuries to children, adolescents, adults, and geriatrics are addressed. Differential diagnosis is emphasized, and evidence-based guidelines and sports-specific considerations aid the reader with injury evaluation and care. Notably, the book highlights the importance of understanding core stability when determining the source of pain. Gait assessment and imaging are featured as well. In addition, the text presents the spectrum of treatment options for hip and pelvis injuries and hip osteoarthritis. Functional therapeutic interventions, osteopathic manipulation, taping and bracing, and injection techniques are discussed. Indications for surgical interventions are also outlined. The book is complete with appendices that explain the evidence-based approach used throughout and the science behind physical therapy modalities. With its convenient format, this handbook is sure to receive lots of use from sports medicine physicians, primary care physicians, physical therapists, and athletic trainers seeking a practical guide to diagnosing and treating hip and pelvis pain.

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