Resistance to Photodynamic Therapy in Cancer

Книга Resistance to Photodynamic Therapy in Cancer

Автор: Rapozzi, Valentina (Editor), Jori, Giulio (Editor)
Название: Resistance to Photodynamic Therapy in Cancer
Язык: английский
Издательство: Heidelberg: Springer
Год: 2015
Объем: 248 p.
Серия: Resistance to Targeted Anti-Cancer Therapeutics (Book 5)
Формат: pdf
Размер: 12,6 mb
Giulio Jori is Professor of Biophysics at the University of Padova, Italy. He has been a founding member and President of the European Society for Photobiology. His research interests are focused on basic mechanisms of photodynamic action at a cellular and tissue level, as well as investigations concerning the application of photodynamic therapy for the treatment of tumours and microbial infections. Dr. Jori is Editor-in-chief of Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology and he was also chairman of the ownership board of the journal Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences. He has been the chief organizer of nine International Symposia on Photodynamic Therapy and Photodiagnosis in Clinical Practice. In addition, he has received an award for excellence in research from the European Society for Photobiology.
Valentina Rapozzi is a Researcher at the University of Udine, Italy. Dr. Rapozzi's research is focused on the antitumoral molecular pathways in photodynamic therapy. She is a member of the European Society for Photobiology, and a member of the Council of the Italian Society of Photobiology.
This volume provides a comprehensive review of resistance induced by photodynamic therapy (PDT) in tumor cells. Understanding the underlying mechanisms in this process leads to the improvement of therapeutic modality, in combination with chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radiotherapy. Photodynamic therapy is a minimally invasive therapeutic procedure that can exert a selective or preferential cytotoxic activity toward malignant cells. The procedure involves administration of an intrinsically non-toxic photosensitizing agent (PS) followed by irradiation at a wavelength corresponding to a visible absorption band of the sensitizer. In the presence of oxygen, a series of events lead to direct tumor cell death, damage to the microvasculature, and induction of a local inflammatory reaction. Studies reveal that PDT can be curative, particularly in early stage tumors and this volume explores the potential of PDT, but also reveals strategic approaches to overcome resistance in tumor cells.
Part I Introduction
1 Basic and C finical Aspects of Photodynamic Therapy
Valentina Rapozzi and Giulio Jon
Part II Mechanistic Aspects Involved in Resistance to PDT
2 Mechanisms of Resistance to Photodynamic Therapy: An Update
Adriana Casas, Christian Perotti, Gabriela Di Venosa and Alcira Batlle
3 Tumor Microenvironment as a Determinant of Photodynamic Therapy Resistance
Shannon M. Gallagher-Colombo. Jarod C. Finlay and Theresa M. Busch
4 Autophagy Induced by Photodynamic Therapy (PDT): Shaping Resistance Against Cell Death and Anti-Tumor Immunity
Abhishek D. Garg and Patrizia Agostinis
5 Isolation and Initial Characterization of Resistant Cells to Photodynamic Therapy
A Zamarrón, S Lucena. N Salazar. P Jaén, S González, Y Gilaberte and A Juarranz
Part III Specific Strategies to Sensitize Tumor Cells to PDT
6 GRP78-targeting Sensitizes Cancer Cells to Cytotoxic Effects of Photodynamic Therapy
Malgorzata Firczuk, Magdalena Gabrysiak and Jakub Golab
7 Optimization of Photodynamic Therapy Response by Survivin Gene
Viviana A. Rivarola and Ingrid Sol Cogno
8 Cellular Targets aucl Molecular Responses Associated with Photodynamic Therapy
Marian Luna, Angela Ferrario. Natalie Rucker. Emma Balouzian, Sam Wong, Sophie Mansfield and Charles J. Gomer
Part IV Approaches to Reduce the Multi-Drug Resistance of Tumor Cells by PDT
9 How Nanoparticles Can Solve Resistance and Limitation in PDT Efficiency
Magali Toussaint. Muriel Barberi-Heyob, Sophie Pinel and Celine Frochot
10 Mechanisms of Tumor Cell Resistance to ALA-PDT
Zvi Malik, Abraham Nudelinan and Benjamin Ehrenberg
11 Melanoma Resistance to Photodynamic Therapy
Sulbha K Sharrna, Ying-Ying Huang and Michael R Hamblin
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