Gaiam - 5 Day Fit Weight Loss

Книга Gaiam - 5 Day Fit Weight Loss

Название: Gaiam - 5 Day Fit Weight Loss
Автор: Shayne C.
Издательство: USA
Страниц: 4 часа
Формат: Смешанный
Размер: 1.5 Гб
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2009
Пятидневный курс спорта от Gaiam включающий в себя Budokon, йогу, пляски, кардио, и ходьба.
Personal trainers know that variety in workouts is the key to fitness success. Gaiam's 5 Day Fit Weight Loss DVD offers five distinctly different fitness styles that will help you discover a slimmer, more sexier you.
The Five Day Fit DVD introduces you to Budokon, yoga, dance, cardio sculpting and walking. Each genre keeps your workout fresh by challenging and moving your body in different ways to help you drop unwanted weight. From high-kicking cardio to soothing stretches, each routine is led by fitness experts who know exactly how to send those pesky pounds packing.
Five Day Fit Weight Loss offers a weight loss solution for your week with five different half-hour workouts that can fit easily into any hectic schedule. Each workout offers a distinctly unique style so that your fitness routine stays fresh and combats boredom. The variety of routines also creates muscle confusion which works best at continually challenging the muscles for maximum results. However, each programme shares one common feature — the goal to create a slimmer, sexier you!
* Budokon for Weight Loss with Cameron Shayne
Get your metabolism burning lean and get better results in less time with this challenging routine.
* Walking for Weight Loss with Debbie Rocker
Burn calories fast and walk off those extra pounds with this low impact programme perfect for any fitness level.
* Dancer’s Body Workout with Patricia Moreno
Burn calories and sculpt a lean body as you dance the pounds off and watch the fat melt away.
* Cardio Burn Yoga with Patricia Moreno
Clear your mind and restore your body using the precision of yoga and rid the body of excess fat for faster weight loss results.
* Cardio Burn Sculpt with Tanja Djelevic
Total body workout blends cardio and sculpting for faster weight loss results plus flattens abs, slims legs and tones the upper body.
Level: Intermediate
Качество: DVDRip
Формат: AVI 1.0 (VFW 1.1)
Видео кодек: XviD build 50
Аудио кодек: MP3

Рейтинг: 4.8 баллов / 2537 оценок
Формат: Книга
Уже скачали: 12792 раз

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