Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering

Книга Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering

Название: Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering
Автор: G. S. Sawhney
Год: 2007 г.
Страниц: 273 стр.
Формат: PDF
Язык: Английский
Издание: New Age Internstional
Размер: 3,46 Mб
ISBN: 978-81-224-2549-9
A well set out textbook explains the fundamentals of biomedical engineering in the areas of biomechanics, biofluid flow, biomaterials, bioinstrumentation and use of computing in biomedical engineering. All these subjects form a basic part of an engineer's education. The text is admirably suited to meet the needs of the students of mechanical engineering, opting for the elective of Biomedical Engineering. Coverage of bioinstrumentation, biomaterials and computing for biomedical engineers can meet the needs of the students of Electronic & Communication, Electronic & Instrumentation, Information Technology and Biotech Engineering.
The book presents succinct coverage of the theory, definitions, formula and examples and is well supported by plenty of clear-cut diagrams and worked problems in order to make the underlying principles easily comprehensible.
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