7 Steps to a Pain Free Life (How to Rapidly Relieve Back & Neck Pain Using the Mackenzie Method)

Книга 7 Steps to a Pain Free Life (How to Rapidly Relieve Back & Neck Pain Using the Mackenzie Method)

Автор: Robin McKenzie,Craig Kubey
Название: 7 Steps to a Pain Free Life (How to Rapidly Relieve Back & Neck Pain Using the Mackenzie Method) by Robin McKenzie
Издательство: A Dutton Book
Год: 2000
Страниц: 208
ISBN: 0739416332
Формат: PDF
Размер: 49 Мб
Язык: English
Качество: хорошее
What causes chronic, debilitating back pain, one of the most common--and expensive to treat--ailments in the world? According to Robin McKenzie, a New Zealand physiotherapist for over 40 years and author of the wildly popular self-help manuals Treat Your Own Back and Treat Your Own Neck, distortion of the spinal disks--either from bad posture or injury--is the cause of the pain. The magic cure is the McKenzie Method--seven very specific exercises that allow the spine to return to its natural position. But forget the doctors--McKenzie asserts that the management of your back pain is your responsibility. Practice his seven unique exercises (the book includes seven each for the back and neck) consistently and at regular intervals and just about anyone can cure his or her own back or neck pain without the help of professionals. McKenzie believes self-treatment is actually more successful than medical interventions like surgery, chiropractic, or physical therapy, and indeed, recent research does show self-treatment to be a highly effective method.
More richly detailed and in-depth than his previous books, this volume is illustrated with over 100 photos and liberally peppered with real-life case histories. Starting with an analysis of how the back and neck work, it moves on to a discussion of the common causes of pain--bad posture is most often to blame. At the core is a detailed explanation of how to do the McKenzie Method exercises, when to apply them, and how to adjust your personal program over time. Included are instructions for people who suffer with acute back and neck pain (with appropriate cautions regarding when to call a medical professional) as well as for people in special situations like pregnant women, athletes, and seniors. An impassioned introduction by coauthor Craig Kubey, a satisfied convert after suffering intense back and neck pain as a result of several auto accidents, could very well make a believer out of anyone.

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