Sencha Touch 2: Up and Running

Книга Sencha Touch 2: Up and Running

Автор: Adrian Kosmaczewski
Название: Sencha Touch 2: Up and Running
Издательство: O'Reilly Media
ISBN : 978-1-4493-3938-8
Год: 2013
Количество страниц: 274
Формат: PDF
Размер: 18 Mb
Язык: English
Launch into Sencha Touch 2 with this hands-on book, and quickly learn how to develop robust mobile web apps that look and behave like native applications. Using numerous code samples, author Adrian Kosmaczewski guides you every step of the way through this touchscreen-enabled javascript framework - from creating your first basic app to debugging, testing, and deploying a finished product.
Learn how to craft user interfaces, build forms, and manage data, then deploy as either an HTML5 offline app or as a native app for Android, iOS, or Blackberry.

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