Scribus 1.3.5: Beginner’s Guide

Книга Scribus 1.3.5: Beginner’s Guide

Название: Scribus 1.3.5: Beginner’s Guide
Издательство: Packt P.blishing
Автор: Cedric Gemy
Год: 2010
Количество страниц: 348
Формат: PDF
Размер: 10 Mb
Язык: English
This book is a step by step guide packed with interesting examples and screenshots that cover lot of support options to help you achieve the superior quality documents. This books is divided into 11 chapters, each chapter dealing with a precise aspect of the software to help you have the best overview and make the best design choices for your document. This book is for people who want to create professional-looking documents with Scribus. If you want a great looking brochure, newsletter, or poster, this is the book for you. No experience of desktop publishing software is required – only creativity and enthusiasm for creating great documents!
Scribus is an Open Source program that brings award-winning and inexpensive professional page layout to desktop computers with a combination of “press-ready” output and new approaches to page layout. Creating professional-looking documents using Scribus is not a cakewalk, especially with so many features at your disposal, it’s hard to know where to get started!
Scribus Beginners guide walks users step by step through common projects, such as creating a brochure,newsletter, business cards and so on. It also includes guidelines on starting a web newsletter and online PDF (Adobe Acrobat format) newsletter along with basic scripting to extend Scribus as per your requirements.
This book begins with the simplest tasks and brings you progressively to adapt your workflow to the most efficient tools. It commences with the description of the graphic tool chain and an overall chapter on how to draw a simple and attractive business card. You’ll then see how to manage the pages of your document and organized their structure thanks to guides. Then being invited to fill them with text, you’ll be able to import, set text style as well as use replacement and hyphenation tool. Pictures or vector drawing will be added to the documents too. You’ll be taught to choose the best format at the best time, modify or distort the shapes to get very custom documents. You will also learn how Scribus handles advanced color features such as transparencies, overprinting, spot colors precisely and be sure they are set well for a print result without bad surprise. At the end, you’ll know to produce a perfect PDF file, be it for print jobs or web with effects, buttons and javascript interactivity, extend the document capacities as well as Scribus tools with simple programming especially with the python language.
What you will learn from this book :
Create page layouts using functional options in Scribus
Create a master page such that the changes are automatically updated in the rest of the pages too.
Apply text and picture frames for accurate placement of text and images
Use path tools and coordinate system to set the frame shape
Links one frame with another if you want the text to fill all the pages
Use paragraph and character style to make text handling more easier
Import pictures of many types, including JPEG, PNG, PSD, TIF to make your documents appealing.
Set the image resolution, layers, and clipping paths to construct accurate images
Apply interesting effects to your images such as to make the text flow around an image or another frame
Import content from OpenOffice document such as text, graphics or tables.
Use shades and transparencies to predict perfect colors of the images to get improved image effects after printing.
Set the incredibly powerful color management system to work trustfully with your colors and pictures
Extend Scribus with python scripts using the Scribus API

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