The Crusades

Книга The Crusades

The Crusades (Essential Histories 1)
By Carole Hillenbrand
Publisher: Routledge 2001 720 Pages
ISBN: 1579583547
The first of its kind, a unique exploration of the history of human conflict, Essential Histories is the most comprehensive and fascinating study of human conflict ever undertaken. Leading historians from around the world have been commissioned to write 42 accessible and definitive guides to every major war throughout history, with an emphasis on the people who fought and the impact on the world at large. Eyewitness accounts are used to give a "soldier's-eye view" of the conflict and expose the reality of the battlefield. Illustrated with colour photographs and maps throughout, Essential Histories will provide for a deepened understanding of the nature of war and human history. The Series Editor of Essential Histories is Professor Robert O'Neill, Chichele Professor of the History of War at Oxford University.
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