Small-scale Armour Modelling (Osprey Modelling Masterclass)

Книга Small-scale Armour Modelling (Osprey Modelling Masterclass)

Название: Small-scale Armour Modelling (Osprey Modelling Masterclass)
Издательство: Osprey Publishing
Автор: Alex Clark
ISBN: 978 1849084147
Год: 2011
Формат: pdf
Размер: 117 Mb
Кол-во страниц: 194
Язык: English
Product Description: Since the mid-1990s, small-scale armour modelling has seen a great resurgence in popularity. This is largely due to major injection-moulded kit manufacturers such as Revell of Germany and, a few years later, Dragon Models Ltd entering the market for 1/72-scale armour models. Alongside this, numerous aftermarket manufacturers have also turned their attention to this scale and many types of accessories that were previously associated only with larger scale models are now available and commonplace for those in 1/72 scale. The popularity of this scale is also borne out by regular new releases and the continuing appearance of new aftermarket manufacturers. Reference and reading materials pertinent to this scale have also kept pace with these developments. Virtually all of the major modelling magazines feature small scale modelling articles, news and kit reviews. For a number of years there has been a successful, glossy, small-scale only magazine called Minitracks. On the Internet, there are numerous websites dedicated to small-scale modelling. Many of the most popular modelling sites, such as Missing-Links, have successful small scale forums and discussion groups. This book will cover all of the major aspects of small-scale armour modelling and will give an insight into Mr. Clark's approach to construction, painting, finishing and presentation.

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