Scotland's Wars and Warriors: Winning Against the Odds By Historic Scotland

Книга Scotland's Wars and Warriors: Winning Against the Odds By Historic Scotland

Название: Scotland's Wars and Warriors: Winning Against the Odds By Historic Scotland
Автор(ы): David H. Caldwell
Издательство: The Stationary Office
Год: 1998
ISBN-13: 978-0114957865
Страниц: 104
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 24 MB
Here's a highly illustrated series devoted to a wide range of topics about historical Scotland. Written by experts in the field, these books present a perfect opportunity to learn more about Scotland's fascinating past. From historic castles and kings, to ancient Celtic rites, this series will entertain and inform readers while showcasing the treasures of Scotland.Scotland is well-known as the site of some of the most historic battles ever fought. Here's the land known for William "Braveheart" Wallace and Rob Roy. Here's where blood was shed for the Crown and where the Romans built a powerful dynasty.

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