Flames of War - Eastern Front. The Complete Intelligence Handbook for Forces on the Eastern Front 1942-1943 pdf 171Мб

Книга Flames of War - Eastern Front. The Complete Intelligence Handbook for Forces on the Eastern Front 1942-1943 pdf 171Мб

Название: Flames of War - Eastern Front. The Complete Intelligence Handbook for Forces on the Eastern Front 1942-1943
Серия: The World War II Miniatures Game
Автор: Peter Simunovich, John-Paul Brisigotti
Издательство: Battlefront Miniatures Ltd.
Страниц: 160
Формат: PDF
Размер: 171 Мб
Качество: Хорошее
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2005
ISBN: 0-476-00300-8

Flames of War let you fight the battles in Europe and Africa during WWII using 15mm miniatures. All players of Games Workshop games will instantly feel at home in this historical miniature game. Currently shifting to 2nd edition the range of playable nations expands not only limiting the players to Germany, USSR, USA and Great Britain. Finns, Hungarians, Italians and other participating nations and units are added to the game. Being a historical game, great focus is put on the realism regarding units, gear, training, experience and vehicles. This is done by dividing the war into distinct periods and using a point system letting the players building their own armies to pit against the opposition.



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