British Armoured Battle Group

Книга British Armoured Battle Group

Издательство: Concord
Серия: Mini Colour Series 7520
Авторы: Tim Matzold and Daniel Nowak
Язык: English
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 57
ISBN: 962-361-135-8
Формат: pdf
Размер: 80 mb
In this splendid new volume, the British Army comes under the camera lens, particularly units of the 1st (UK) Armoured Division based in Germany. The British Army operates in formations known as Battle Groups (BGs), flexible organizations of infantry and armor that can be rearranged according to the mission at hand. This book by the knowledgeable duo of Tim Matzold and Daniel Nowak examines the BG concept, especially armored BGs. Supported by a superb range of photographs taken over a period of time during a variety of exercises, 'The Armoured Battle Group' provides readers with all the information they would ever need to know about a British Army armored BG. It covers the organization of typical and specific BGs, with a high degree of detail on the various sub-units incorporated into the formation. Naturally, there is a vast amount of detail about the vehicles and equipment used by the British Army. There are full-color pictures of the Scimitar, Spartan, Sultan, Samaritan, Striker, Stormer, JCB tractor, Unipower tank bridge transporter, CET, Terrier, Chieftan AVRE, Chieftan AVLB, Challenger ARRV, Titan, Trojan, FV432, Warrior (including the new BGSV), AS90, and Challenger 2. Obviously, a lot of vehicles that receive excellent coverage! The book also contains four color plates and two 1/35 scale plans by Laurent Lecocq. This book gives very welcome exposure to vehicles of the British Army, and readers will find a tremendous amount to enthuse over between the covers!

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