Air operations in the China area July 1937- August 1945

Книга Air operations in the China area July 1937- August 1945

Название: Air operations in the China area July 1937- August 1945
Автор: Коллектив авторов
Издательство: Department of the Army
Страниц: 220
Формат: PDF
Размер: 22 mb
Качество: Нормальное
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 1956
This monograph is one of a series prepared under instructions from the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers to the Japanese Government (SCAPIN No. 126, 12 Oct 1945).
The series covers not only the operations of the Japanese armed forces during World War II but also their operations in China and Manchuria which preceded the world conflict. The original studies were written by former officers of the Japanese Army and Navy under the supervision of the Historical Records Section of the First (Army) and Second (Navy) De-mobilization Bureaus of the Japanese Government. The manuscripts were translated by the Military Intelligence Service Group, G2, Headquarters, Far East Command. Extensive editing was accomplished by the Japanese Research Division of the Office of the Military History Officer, Headquarters, United States Army Forces, Far East and Eighth United States Army (Rear).The writers were handicapped in the preparation of the basic manuscript by the non-availability of many operational records which are normally employed as source material in this type of study. Many official orders, plans and unit journals were lost during operations or were destroyed at the cessation of hostilities. A particular handicap has been the lack of strength reports. Most of the important orders and other information sources, however, have been reconstructed from memory and while not textually identical with the originals are believed to be accurate and reliable. As the name indicates, this monograph recounts the planning and conduct of the air operations in the China theater from the outbreak of the China Incident in July 1937 to the cessation of hostilities in August 1945.The basic manuscript was written by Major Takejiro Shiba, an Imperial General Headquarters staff officer. It was based on documents in the possession of Colonel Genichi Yamamoto, Air Group Staff Officer; Colonel Hiroshi Sasao, 3d Air Group Staff Officer; Lt Colonel Hirokichi Mizuo and Major En Komatsu, Fifth Air Army Staff Officers; and Major Takejiro Shiba as well as on information supplied from memory by these officers. Subsequent research by the Japanese Research Division revealed a number of inaccuracies in the original manuscript and large portions have been rewritten to effect the necessary corrections. In addition, pertinent information has been inserted where it was felt necessary for clarity or that it would add interest to the document.

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