The De Havilland Mosquito: A Comprehensive Guide for the Modeller (SAM Modellers Datafile 1)

Книга The De Havilland Mosquito: A Comprehensive Guide for the Modeller (SAM Modellers Datafile 1)

Название: The De Havilland Mosquito: A Comprehensive Guide for the Modeller (SAM Modellers Datafile 1)
Автор: Richard A. Franks
Издательство: SAM Publications
ISBN: 0953346501
Год: 1998
Страниц: 168
Формат: PDF в RAR
Размер: 38.66МБ
Язык: английский
Contents: 1. The Concept. The birth of the D.H.98 design; 2. Concept Becomes Reality. From drawing board to production; 3. Into Action. The arrival of the Mosquito in RAF service; 4. The Multi-role Combatant. The ability of the Mosquito is finally realised; 5. Special Operations. The Mosquito's use for a number of special tasks; 6. All at Sea. The Mosquito's use by the Banff Wing and the Royal Navy; 7. Worldwide Service. A look at the Mosquito's use around the globe; 8. Post-War Operations. Post-war RAF operations and foreign and civil operators of the Mosquito; Modelling the Mosquito: Colour Side Views; Cockpit Artwork; 9. The Basics. The starting point for modelling the Mosquito in 1/72nd, 1/48th and 1/32nd scales; 10. Understanding the Subject. A detailed analysis of all the different versions of Mosquito, and how to model them; 11. Detailing. A detailed look in and around the Mosquito; 12. Building the Mosquito. Nine different versions of the Mosquito are built in 1/48th scale; 13. Colour & Marking Notes.A modeller's guide to the colour and markings applied to the Mosquito throughout its career. Appendix I - Kit Listing. A complete listing of all the Mosquito construction kits; Appendix II - Conversions & Accessories. A complete listing of conversions and accessories produced for the Mosquito; Appendix III - Decals. A concise listing of all Mosquito decal sheets; Appendix IV - Powerplants. Technical specifications of all Rolls Royce Merlin engines used in the Mosquito, including Packard-built versions; Appendix V - Variants. A complete listing of the technical specifications of the different Mosquito variants; Appendix VI - Genealogy. The genealogy of the Mosquito from Prototype to final production; Appendix VII - Squadrons. A complete listing of Mosquito Squadrons; Appendix VIII - Chronology. A concise chronology of the Mosquito's history (second page is missing); Appendix IX - Production. A complete listing of Mosquito production (first page is missing); Appendix X - Bibliography. Mosquito Bibliography.

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