Книга Troubleshooting and Repairing Major Appliances

Книга Книга Troubleshooting and Repairing Major Appliances

Название: Troubleshooting and Repairing Major Appliances
Автор: Eric Kleinert
Страниц: 1216
Формат: PDF
Размер: 50 Мб
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2013
Руководство по ремонту, устранению неисправностей и обслуживанию основных бытовых приборов.
This is a complete troubleshooting and repair guide for all major home appliances.
It teaches the reader how to use testing equipment safely and properly, diagnostic/troubleshooting procedures, how to maintain common major appliances, and how to complete both major and minor repairs. Manufacturers wiring diagrams and troubleshooting charts are included, and information is offered on where to obtain parts and equipment. Metric conversions are also included.
Fully updated for current technologies and packed with hundreds of photos and diagrams, this do-it-yourself guide shows you how to safely install, operate, maintain, and fix gas and electric appliances of all types. Troubleshooting and Repairing Major Appliances, Third Edition provides easy-tofollow procedures for using test meters, replacing parts, reading circuit diagrams, interpreting fault and error codes, and diagnosing problems. Featuring a new chapter on becoming a service technician, this practical, money-saving resource is ideal for homeowners and professionals alike.
Covers all major appliances:
- Automatic dishwashers
- Garbage disposers
- Electric water heaters
- Gas water heaters
- Top load automatic washers
- Front load automatic washers
- Automatic electric dryers
- Automatic gas dryers
- Electric ranges, cooktops, and ovens
- Gas ranges, cooktops, and ovens
- Microwave ovens
- Refrigerators
- Freezers
- Automatic ice makers
- Residential under-the-counter ice cube makers
- Room air conditioners
- Dehumidifiers

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Формат: Книга
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