3D Television (3DTV) Technology, Systems, and Deployment: Rolling Out the Infrastructure for Next-Generation Entertainment

Книга 3D Television (3DTV) Technology, Systems, and Deployment: Rolling Out the Infrastructure for Next-Generation Entertainment

Название:3D Television (3DTV) Technology, Systems, and Deployment: Rolling Out the Infrastructure for Next-Generation Entertainment
Издательство: CRC Press
Автор: Daniel Minoli
Количество страниц: 316
Формат: pdf
Размер:4,3 Mb
Going beyond the technological building blocks of 3DTV, 3D Television (3DTV) Technology, Systems, and Deployment: Rolling Out the Infrastructure for Next-Generation Entertainment offers an early view of the deployment and rollout strategies of this emerging technology.
3D Television (3DTV) Technology, Systems, and Deployment
It covers cutting-edge advances, theories, and techniques in end-to-end 3DTV systems to provide a system-level view of the topic and what it takes to make this concept a commercial reality.
The book reflects the full-range of questions being posed about post-production 3D mastering, delivery options, and home screens. It reviews fundamental visual concepts supporting stereographic perception of 3DTV and considers the various stages of a 3DTV system including capture, representation, coding, transmission, and display.
Presents new advances in 3DTV and display techniques
Includes a 24-page color insert
Identifies standardization activities critical to broad deployment
Examines a different stage of an end-to-end 3DTV system in each chapter
Considers the technical details related to 3DTV-including compression and transmission technologies
Discussing theory and application, the text covers both stereoscopic and autostereoscopic techniques-the latter eliminating the need for special glasses and allowing for viewer movement. It also examines emerging holographic approaches, which have the potential to provide the truest three-dimensional images. The book contains the results of a survey of a number of advocacy groups to provide a clear picture of the current state of the industry, research trends, future directions, and underlying topics.
Pre face xi
The Author xiii
Chapt er 1 Introducti on 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Background and Opportunities 12
1.3 Course of Investigation 29
References 35
Bibliography 37
Chapt er 2 Some Basi c Fundamentals of Vis ual
Sci ence 39
2.1 Stereo Vision Concepts 39
2.1.1 Stereoscopy 39
2.1.2 Binocular Depth Perception and
Convergence 41
2.1.3 Cyclopean Image 42
2.1.4 Accommodation 42
2.2 Parallax Concepts 44
2.2.1 Parallax 44
2.2.2 Parallax Barrier and Lenticular Lenses 49
2.3 Other Concepts 49
2.3.1 Polarization 49
2.3.2 Chromostereopsis 49
2.3.3 3D Imaging 50
2.3.4 Occlusion and Scene Reconstruction 50
2.4 Conclusion
viii Contents
Appendix 2A: Analytical 3D Aspects of the Human Visual
System 55
2A.1 Theory of Stereo Reproduction 55
2A.2 Analytics 56
2A.2.1 Depth Perception 56
2A.2.2 Geometry of Stereoscopic 3D
Displays 58
2A.2.3 Geometry of Stereo Capturing 63
2A.2.4 Stereoscopic 3D Distortions 66
2A.3 Workflow of Conventional Stereo
Production 69
2A.3.1 Basic Rules and Production
Grammar 69
2A.3.2 Example 72
References 73
Chapt er 3 App licati on of Vis ual Science
Fundamental s to 3DTV 77
3.1 Application of the Science to 3D Projection/3DTV 77
3.1.1 Common Video Treatment Approaches 78
3.1.2 Projections Methods for Presenting
Stereopairs 79
3.1.3 Polarization, Synchronization, and
Colorimetrics 85
3.2 Autostereoscopic Viewing 94
3.2.1 Lenticular Lenses 95
3.2.2 Parallax Barriers 95
3.3 Other Longer-Term Systems 97
3.3.1 Multi-Viewpoint 3D Systems 98
3.3.2 Integral Imaging/Holoscopic Imaging 100
3.3.3 Holographic Approaches 105
3.3.4 Volumetric Displays/Hybrid Holographic 108
3.4 Viewer Physiological Issues with 3D Content 111
3.4.1 The Accommodation Problem 113
3.4.2 Infinity Separation 114
3.5 Conclusion and Requirements of Future 3DTV 114
References 120
Chapt er 4 Basi c 3DTV App roaches for Content
Capt ure and Mast ering 125
4.1 General Capture, Mastering, and Distribution
Process 125
4.2 3D Capture, Mastering, and Distribution Process 129
4.2.1 Content Acquisition 129
4.2.2 3D Mastering 132 Spatial Compression 132 Temporal Multiplexing 135 2D in Conjunction with Metadata
(2D+M) 136 Color Encoding 139
4.3 Overview of Network Transport Approaches 139
4.4 MPEG Standardization Efforts 145
Appendix 4A: Additional Details on 3D Video Formats 149
4A.1 Conventional Stereo Video (CSV) 149
4A.2 Video plus Depth (V+D) 152
4A.3 Multiview Video plus Depth (MV+D) 156
4A.4 Layered Depth Video (LDV) 157
References 161
Chapt er 5 3D Basi c 3DTV App roaches and
Technologi e s for In-Home Disp l ay of
Content 165
5.1 Connecting the In-Home Source to the Display 166
5.2 3DTV Display Technology 168
5.2.1 Commercial Displays Based on Projection 177
5.2.2 Commercial Displays Based on LCD and
PDP Technologies 179
5.2.3 LCD 3DTV Polarized Display 181
5.2.4 Summary of 3DTV Displays 183
5.2.5 Glasses Accessories 183
5.3 Other Display Technologies 186
5.3.1 Autostereoscopic Systems with Parallax
Support in the Vertical and Horizontal Axes 187
5.3.2 Autostereoscopic Systems for PDAs 190
5.4 Conclusion 192
Appendix 5A: Primer on Cables/Connectivity for High-End
Video 193
5A.1 In-Home Connectivity Using Cables 193
5A.1.1 Digital Visual Interface (DVI) 193
5A.1.2 High-Definition Multimedia
Interface® (HDMI®) 194
5A.1.3 DisplayPort 199
5A.2 In-Home Connectivity Using Wireless
Technology 200
5A.2.1 Wireless Gigabit Alliance 200
5A.2.2 WirelessHD 202
5A.2.3 Other Wireless 204
References 205
Chapt er 6 3DTV Advocacy and Syst em-Level
Res e arch Initi ativ es 207
6.1 3D Consortium (3DC) 207
6.2 3D@Home Consortium 207
6.3 3D Media Cluster 208
6.4 3DTV 208
6.5 Challenges and Players in the 3DTV Universe 212
6.5.1 European Information Society Technologies
(IST) Project “Advanced Three-Dimensional
Television System Technologies” (ATTEST) 212 3D Content Creation 213 3D Video Coding 214 Transmission 214 Virtual-View Generation and 3D
Display 214
6.5.2 3DPhone 214
6.5.3 Mobile3DTV 217
6.5.4 Real3D 219
6.5.5 HELIUM3D (High Efficiency Laser Based
Multi User Multi Modal 3D Display) 221
6.5.6 The MultiUser 3D Television Display
(MUTED) 223
6.5.7 3D4YOU 223
6.5.8 3DPresence 229
6.5.9 Audio-Visual Content Search and Retrieval
in a Distributed P2P Repository (Victory) 232 Victory in Automotive Industry 234 Victory in Game Industry 235
6.5.10 2020 3D Media 235
6.5.11 i3DPost 238
References 238
Gloss ary 241
Inde x 283

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