Understanding TCP/IP: A clear and comprehensive guide to TCP/IP protocols

Книга Understanding TCP/IP: A clear and comprehensive guide to TCP/IP protocols

Автор: Kabelov A.
Название: Understanding TCP/IP: A clear and comprehensive guide to TCP/IP protocols
Издательство: Packt Publishing
Год: 2006
Формат: pdf
Язык: английский
Размер: 10,4 Мб
The TCP/IP protocol stack is the foundation of the internet and, more generally, network communication. Operating at various physical and logical layers, these protocols are the language that allow computers to communicate with each other. While most IT professionals don't work at the protocol level regularly, there are times when a clear understanding of what's going at the network level can be invaluable. This is the book to give that grounding and to act as a definitive reference when needed. This book is suitable for the novice and experienced system administrators, programmers, and anyone who would like to learn how to work with the TCP/IP protocol suite. It can be read even by those who have little background in networking.

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