Sensor Networks for Sustainable Development

Книга Sensor Networks for Sustainable Development

Автор: Mohammad Ilyas (Editor), Sami S. Alwakeel (Editor), Mohammed M. Alwakeel (Editor)
Название: Sensor Networks for Sustainable Development
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2014
Формат: PDF
Размер: 25 Mb
Язык: Английский
Recent advances in technology and manufacturing have made it possible to create small, powerful, energy-efficient, cost-effective sensor nodes for specialized telecommunication applications—nodes "smart" enough to be capable of adaptation, self-awareness, and self-organization.
Sensor Networks for Sustainable Development examines sensor network technologies that increase the quality of human life and encourage societal progress with minimal effect on the earth’s natural resources and environment. Organized as a collection of articles authored by leading experts in the field, this valuable reference captures the current state of the art and explores applications where sensor networks are used for sustainable development in:
- Agriculture
- Environment
- Energy
- Healthcare
- Transportation
- Disaster management
Beneficial to designers and planners of emerging telecommunication networks, researchers in related industries, and students and academia seeking to learn about the impact of sensor networks on sustainable development, Sensor Networks for Sustainable Development provides scientific tutorials and technical information about smart sensor networks and their use in everything from remote patient monitoring to improving safety on the roadways and beyond.

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