The Wiley Handbook of Genius

Книга The Wiley Handbook of Genius

Автор:Dean Keith Simonton
Название:The Wiley Handbook of Genius
Издательство:Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition
Размер:7.01 mb
With contributions from a multi-disciplinary group of expert contributors, this is the first handbook to discuss all aspects of genius, a topic that endlessly provokes and fascinates.
The first handbook to discuss all aspects of genius with contributions from a multi-disciplinary group of experts
Covers the origins, characteristics, careers, and consequences of genius with a focus on cognitive science, individual differences, life-span development, and social context
Explores individual genius, creators, leaders, and performers as diverse as Queen Elizabeth I, Simón Bolívar, Mohandas Gandhi, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Leo Tolstoy, John William Coltrane, Georgia O’Keeffe, and Martha Graham.
Utilizes a variety of approaches—from genetics, neuroscience, and longitudinal studies to psychometric tests, interviews, and case studies—to provide a comprehensive treatment of the subject

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