Meet Your Soul: A Powerful Guide to Connect with Your Most Sacred Self

Книга Meet Your Soul: A Powerful Guide to Connect with Your Most Sacred Self

Автор:Elisa Romeo
Название:Meet Your Soul: A Powerful Guide to Connect with Your Most Sacred Self
Издательство:Hay House, Inc.
Размер:1.5 MB
In this groundbreaking book, therapist and intuitive Elisa Romeo, takes Soul beyond an intellectual concept and into a direct and personal relationship. Pulling from depth psychology, years of practical experience, and touching stories from clients, Elisa brings substance and gravitas—and some levity—to the topic of how to live a Soulful life.
This comprehensive, straightforward program contains effective meditations, visualizations, and inquiries to support you on the often messy, winding, and yet amusing path of discovering your Soul in modern times. Meet Your Soul not only tells you how to access your Soul connection but also preps you for some of the common obstacles you’re likely to encounter on your journey.
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With her kind and informed direction, you’ll learn to:
• Understand the crucial distinction between ego, Spirit, and Soul
• Create and cultivate a strong spiritual practice
• Distinguish your Soul Truth from the beliefs of family, friends, and society
• Clearly access the voice of your Soul
• Gain awareness of the key Soul contracts in your life and discover your Divine purpose
This book helps you meet the oldest, wisest, and most loving part of yourself—the part that gives meaning and purpose to your life. Elisa shows that each of us has the capacity to hear this personal, unique guidance directly. You needn’t look outside yourself to a guru, program, or system; rather you can simply look within.

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