Handbook of Employee Selection

Книга Handbook of Employee Selection

Автор: James L. Farr; Nancy T. Tippins
Название: Handbook of Employee Selection
Язык: English
Издательство: New York: Routledge
Год: 2010
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10,7 mb
Страниц: 1030
The Handbook of Employee Selection summarizes the state of science and practice in the field of employee selection. Chapters in this book cover issues associated with measurement such as validity and reliability as well as practical concerns around the development of appropriate selection procedures and implementation of selection programs. Several chapters discuss the measurement of various constructs commonly used as predictors, and other chapters confront criterion measures that are used in test validation. Ethical and legal concerns are dealt with in another set of chapters and highlight the concerns of the employer as well as the test taker and the psychologist responsible for the testing program. Final sections of the book include chapters that focus on testing for certain types of jobs (e.g., blue collar jobs, supervisory jobs) and describe important milestones in the development of selection programs.
 Table of contents:
Chapter 1 Handbook of Employee Selection: An Introduction and Overview....................1
James L. Farr and Nancy T. Tippins
Brief History of Science- and Data-Based Employee Selection.....................1
Structure of Handbook of Employee Selection.....................................3
PART 1 Foundations of Psychological Measurement and Evaluation Applied to Employee Selection
John P. Campbell and Frank J. Landy, Section Editors
Chapter 2 Reliability and Validity.................9
Dan J. Putka and Paul R. Sackett
Role of Measurement Models......................14
Estimation of Reliability.......................22
Emerging Perspectives on Measurement Error ............36
Closing Thoughts on Reliability.................37
Concept of Validity.............................38
Chapter 3 Validation Strategies for Primary Studies.......................................51
Neal W. Schmitt, John D. Arnold, and Levi Nieminen
Nature of Validity............................................................51
Validation in Different Contexts..............................................53
Special Considerations in Criterion-Related Studies...........................59
Concerns About the Quality of the data: Cleaning the Data.....................60
Modes of Decision-Making and the Impact on Utility and Adverse Impact........61
Scientific or Long-Term Perspective: Limitations of Existing Primary. Validation Studies. Including the Current Meta-Analytic Database............64
Chapter 4 Work Analysis.................................................................73
Kenneth Pearlman and Juan I. Sanchez
Traditional Selection-Related Applications of Work Analysis................73
A Review of Major Work Analysis Methods and Approaches....................75
Key Work Analysis Practice Issues..........................................83
Frontiers of Work Analysis: Emerging Trends and Future Challenges.........88
Synopsis and Conclusions...................................................94
Chapter 5 Current Concepts of Validity, Validation, and Generalizability................99
Jerard F. Kehoe and Kevin R. Murphy
Converging Trends in Psychometrics—Toward a Unified Theory of Validity....100
Reliability. Validity, and Generalizations From Test Scores...............101
Validation Process: Linking Tests With Their Uses.........................102
Generalizing Research-Based Inferences to Implementation Decisions........108
PART 2 Implementation and Management of Employee Selection Systems in Work Organizations
Jerard F. Kehoe and Robert E. Ployhart, Section Editors
Chapter 6 Attracting Job Candidates to Organizations................................127
Ann Marie Ry an and Tanya Delany
Reaching Potential Applicants...........................................127
Sourcing Globally.......................................................130
Technology as a Means of Improving Reach................................133
Considering Strategic Talent Management ................................134
Maintaining Interest....................................................136
Maintaining Interest Around the Globe...................................139
Technology’s Role in Maintaining Interest...............................140
Maintaining the Interest of Targeted Talent.............................141
Accepting Offers........................................................142
Chapter 7 Test Administration and the Use of Test Scores............................151
Jeff W. Johnson and Frederick L. Oswald
Use of Test Scores......................................................151
Decisions to Make Before Collecting Test Scores.........................151
Collection of Test Scores...............................................153
Computation of Test Scores..............................................159
Making Selection Decisions.................................................163
Chapter 8 Technology and Employee Selection.............................................171
Douglas H. Reynolds and David N. Dickter
Introduction: The Changing Relationship Between Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Information Technology....................................171
Critical Issues in Technology-Based Selection..............................176
Implementation Issues......................................................186
Future Directions..........................................................189
Chapter 9 Strategy. Selection, and Sustained Competitive Advantage......................195
Robert E. Ployhart and Jeff A. Weekley
Why Personnel Selection Must Show Business-Unit-Level Value................196
Alignment of Selection and Strategy........................................200
Selection’s Potential Contribution to Business Unit Value..................203
Selection’s Symbiotic Relationship With Other HR Activities................208
Chapter 10 Managing Sustainable Selection Programs......................................213
Jerard F. Kehoe, Stefan T. Mol, and Neil R. Anderson
Organization Context for Selection.........................................213
Defining Selection System Sustainability...................................214
HR Technology..............................................................225
Chapter 11 The Business Value of Employee Selection.....................................235
Wayne F. Cascio and Lawrence Fogli
Traditional Model of Employee Selection....................................235
Challenges to the Business Value of the Traditional Approach...............236
Dynamic, Contemporary Approach to Selection as an Organizational
Importance of Social Context and Interpersonal Processes in Selection Decisions................................................................240
Conclusions: How Should We Value the Success of Selection in Organizations?...........................................................248
PART 3 Categories of Individual Difference Constructs for Employee Selection
David Chan and Leaetta Hough, Section Editors
Chapter 12 Cognitive Abilities........................................................255
Deniz S. Ones, Stephan Dilchert, Chockalingam Viswesvaran, and Jesus F. Salgado
History. Current Usage, and Acceptability of Cognitive Ability Measures in Employee Selection...................................................255
Definitions and Theoretical Underpinnings.................................258
Criterion-Related Validity Evidence.......................................261
Group Differences on Cognitive Ability Measures...........................264
Future Challenges for Research and Practice...............................269
Chapter 13 Physical Performance Tests..................................................277
Deborah L. Gebhardt and Todd A. Baker
Job Analysis for Arduous Jobs.............................................277
Physical Performance Tests................................................281
Validity of Physical Performance Tests....................................285
Test Scoring and Administration...........................................287
Legal Issues..............................................................291
Benefits of Physical Testing..............................................294
Chapter 14 Personality: Its Measurement and Validity for Employee Selection............299
Leaetta Hough and Stephan Dilchert
Structure of Personality Variables........................................299
Measurement Methods.......................................................301
Validity of Personality Constructs and Other Factors That Affect Their Usefulness........................................................308
Chapter 15 Values. Styles, and Motivational Constructs.................................321
David Chan
Cognitive Styles..........................................................324
Motivational Constructs...................................................327
Practical Considerations and Future Research Challenges...................332
Chapter 16 Practical Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence, and Social Intelligence....339
Filip Lievens and Dav id Chan
Definitions and Conceptualizations........................................339
Measurement Approaches....................................................344
Conceptual Framework for Examining Practical, Emotional, and
Social Intelligence.....................................................349
Strategies for Future Research............................................351
PART 4 Decisions in Developing, Selecting, Using, and Evaluating Predictors
Ann Marie Ryan and Neal W. Schmitt, Section Editors
Chapter 17 Decisions in Developing and Selecting Assessment Tools.....................363
Nancy T. Tippins, Jone M. Papinchock, and Emily C. Solberg
Which Constructs Should Be Measured?......................................364
How Should the Constructs Be Measured?....................................366
How Should Validity Evidence Be Gathered?.................................371
How Should Scores Be Used?................................................373
Chapter 18 Administering Assessments and Decision-Making...............................377
R. Stephen Wander, Lisa L. Thomas, and Zupei Luo
Unproctored Internet Testing..............................................377
Combination of Candidate Information: The Role of the Decision-Maker......390
Chapter 19 Evaluation of Measures: Sources of Error. Sufficiency, and Contamination....399
Michael J. Zickar, Jose M. Cortina, and Nathan T. Carter
Sources of Invariance: A Handful of Hypotheses............................407
CFA MI/E in Selection Research............................................411
Chapter 20 Assessment Feedback.........................................................417
Manuel London and Lynn A. McFarland
Some Case Examples........................................................417
Feedback and Professional Standards......................................419
Applicants' Reactions to Feedback........................................420
Benefits and Costs of Feedback...........................................426
Implications for Practice................................................431
Implications for Research................................................433
PART 5 Criterion Constructs in Employee Selection
Kevin R. Murphy and Elaine D. Pulakos, Section Editors
Chapter 21 The Measurement of Task Performance as Criteria in Selection Research.......................................................439
Walter C. Borman, Rebecca H. Bryant, and Jay Dorio
Objective Criteria.......................................................439
Subjective Criteria......................................................441
Dimensionality of Job Performance........................................447
Predictors of Task Performance Dimensions................................454
Chapter 22 Adaptive and Citizenship-Related Behaviors at Work.........................463
David W. Dorsey, Jose M. Cortina, and Joseph Lucliman
Adaptive Behavior Defined................................................463
Citizenship Defined......................................................465
Individual Difference Predictors.........................................468
Moderators and Mediators—Adaptability....................................476
Moderators and Mediators—Citizenship.....................................477
Impact on Organizational Outcomes........................................479
Too Much of a Good Thing?................................................480
Chapter 23 Counterproductive Work Behavior and Withdrawal.............................489
Maria Rotundo and Paul E. Spector
Nature of CWB............................................................489
Assessment of CWB........................................................491
Potential Antecedents of CWB.............................................492
Person and Environment...................................................502
Future Directions........................................................505
Chapter 24 Defining and Measuring Results of Workplace Behavior.......................513
Elaine D. Pulakos and Ryan S. O’Leary
Measuring Workplace Behavior Versus Results...............................514
Defining Individual Performance Objectives................................516
Challenges Associated With Developing Individual Objectives and
Mitigation Strategies...................................................519
Measuring Results of Performance Objectives...............................522
Challenges Associated With Measuring Results and Mitigation Strategies....524
Individual Difference Predictors of Results...............................526
Chapter 25 Employee Work-Related Health. Stress, and Safety............................531
Lois E. Tetrick, Pamela L. Perrew e, and Mark Griffin
Healthy Workers...........................................................531
Work Stress...............................................................535
Occupational Safety.......................................................541
Chapter 26 Criterion Validity and Criterion Deficiency: What We Measure
Well and What We Ignore...................................................551
Jeanette N. Cleveland and Adrienne Colella
Work and Workforce in the 21st Century: Outmoded Assumptions and Bases for Change........................................................552
Criterion Problem in 1-0 Psychology.......................................552
Multilevel Issues in Defining Performance and Success.....................558
“Closing In” on Criterion Deficiency: One Approach to Bridging HR Systems With Business Unit Strategy.....................................562
PART 6 Legal and Ethical Issues in Employee Selection
P. Richard Jeanneret and Paul R. Sackett, Section Editors
Chapter 27 Ethics of Employee Selection................................................571
Joel Lefkowitz and Rodney L. Lawman
Some Meta-Issues..........................................................571
Ethical Principles and Dilemmas...........................................576
Role of Ethical Codes in Professional Practice: Historical and Current
Some Specific Issues and Sources of Ethical Problems......................582
Chapter 28 Professional Guidelines/Standards...........................................593
P. Richard Jeanneret and Sheldon Zedeck
Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing........................595
Principles for the Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures....604
Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures........................610
Comparisons Among the Three Authorities....................................615
Final Thoughts.............................................................621
Chapter 29 A Sampler of Legal Principles in Employment Selection........................627
Frank J. Landy, Arthur Gutman, and James L. Outtz
Principles and Exemplar Case Law...........................................629
Chapter 30 Perspectives From Twenty-Two Countries on the Legal Environment for Selection..............................................................651
Paul R. Sackett, Winny Shen, Brett Myors, arid Colleagues
Data Collection Methodology................................................652
Authors’ Note..............................................................675
PART 7 Employee Selection in Specific Organizational Contexts
Rick Jacobs and Ann Howard, Section Editors
Chapter 31 Selection and Classification in the U.S. Military............................679
Wayne S. Sellman, Dana H. Born, William J. Strickland, and Jason J. Ross
Military Personnel System..................................................679
Indicators of Recruit Quality..............................................680
Need for Military Selection................................................685
Short History of Military Personnel Testing (Pre-All Volunteer Force)......686
Moving to an All-Volunteer Force...........................................686
ASVAB Misnorming and Job Performance Measurement Project...................688
Enlisted Selection and Classification in Today's Military..................691
Enlistment Process.........................................................692
Recruit Quality Benchmarks and Enlistment Standards........................693
Selection for Officer Commissioning Programs...............................693
Officer Retention and Attrition............................................695
Officer Executive Development..............................................696
Command Selection and Career Broadening Experiences.......................696
Defense Transformation in Military Selection..............................697
Chapter 32 Public Sector Employment....................................................705
Rick Jacobs and Donna L. Denning
Position Classification in the Public Sector..............................706
Civil Service Examinations................................................706
Linking Tests to Jobs: Validation and Its Many Forms......................708
Creating a Talent Pipeline: Recruiting Candidates.........................711
Promotional Processes: Using What We Know About People and Their
Capabilities to Our Advantage...........................................712
Personnel Decision-Making and Legal Jeopardy..............................714
Chapter 33 Selection Methods and Desired Outcomes: Integrating Assessment Content and Technology to Improve Entry- and Mid-Level Leadership Performance...............................................................721
Scott C. Erker, Charles J. Cosentino, and Kevin B. Tamanini
Current Business Trends Affecting Leadership Selection and Development....722
Changing Behavioral Requirements for Leaders..............................725
Assessment Tools and Techniques...........................................728
Case Studies of Leadership Selection......................................733
Chapter 34 Blue-Collar Selection in Private Sector Organizations.......................741
Wanda J. Campbell and Robert A. Ramos
Definition of Blue-Collar Jobs............................................741
Planning and Developing the Selection Process: Psychometric and Practical Considerations................................................744
Planning and Developing the Selection Process: The Constituents. Their Issues, and Preferences...........................................749
Implementing a Selection Procedure........................................754
Maintaining a Selection Procedure.........................................756
Recruitment and Employee Development......................................759
Chapter 35 Selection for Service and Sales Jobs........................................765
John P. Hausknecht and Angela M. Langevin
Nature of Service and Sales Work..........................................765
Research on Selection for Service and Sales Workers......................768
Implications for Practice and Future Research............................774
Chapter 36 Selection in Multinational Organizations....................................781
Paula Caligiuri and Karen B. Paul
Employee Selection in Multinational Organizations.........................781
Challenges of Cross-National Selection and Assessment.....................785
International Assignments: Implications for Employee Selection............789
Chapter 37 Selection for Team Membership: A Contingency and Multilevel Perspective....801
Susan Mohammed, Jan Cannon-Bow ers, and Su Chuen Foo
Conceptual Framework for Understanding Selection for Team Membership......802
Individual-Level Considerations...........................................804
Team-Level Considerations.................................................809
Chapter 38 Selecting Leaders: Executives and High Potentials...........................823
George C. Thornton III, George P. Hollenbeck, and Stefanie K. Johnson
Executives and High Potentials: Who Are They? What Do They Do?............823
Executive Competencies and Attributes.....................................824
Assessment Techniques.....................................................826
Executive Selection in an HRM System......................................830
Performance Reviews: The Role of Top Executives and Boards................830
Fit: Individuals. Team. Outcome. Followers, and Culture...................831
Does It Work?.............................................................833
PART 8 Milestones in Employee Selection
Walter C. Borman and Benjamin Schneider, Section Editors
Chapter 39 The Management Progress Study and Its Legacy for Selection..................843
Ann Howard
The Foundations of the Assessment Center..................................843
The Beginnings of Managerial Assessment...................................845
Predicting Managerial Success.............................................847
Successful Managers' Development Over Time................................852
AC Advantages and Disadvantages...........................................855
The MPS Selection Legacy ................858
Chapter 40 Project A: 12 Years of R & D................................................865
John P. Campbell and Deirdre J. Knapp
Origins of Project A.......................................................865
Enabling of Project A......................................................866
Specific Research Objectives...............................................867
Overall Research Design....................................................867
Research Instrument Development: Predictors................................869
Job Analyses and Criterion Development.....................................873
Modeling the Latent Structure of Performance...............................875
Correlations of Past Performance With Future Performance...................878
Criterion-Related Validation...............................................879
Some Broader Implications..................................................882
Chapter 41 The Dictionary of Occupational Titles and the Occupational Information Network........................................................887
Norman Peterson and Christopher E. Sager
Organizing Framework.......................................................887
DOT to O*NET™ Transition...................................................894
Development and Testing of a Prototype 0*NET...............................895
O*NET Becomes Operational..................................................899
Chapter 42 Situational Specificity and Validity Generalization..........................909
Lawrence R. James and Heather H. McIntyre
Situational Specificity....................................................910
Situational Specificity Response to VG.....................................914
Substantive Tests of Situational Specificity...............................917
Chapter 43 Employee Selection in Europe: Psychotechnics and the Forgotten History of Modern Scientific Employee Selection..................921
Jesus F. Salgado, Neil R. Anderson, and Ute R. HUlsheger
The European Origin of Scientific Employee Selection: The Years of Success (1900-1945)..............................................................921
The Fall of the European Employee Selection Enterprise After World War II: The Years of Decline and Stagnation (1945-1975)..........931
The Resurgence of European Employee Selection: The Years of Optimism and Growth (Since 1975).......................................934
Chapter 44 Employee Selection: Musings About Its Past. Present, and Future..........943
Robert M. Guion
Psychometric Musings.....................................................943
Musings on the Perpetual Disconnect: Research and Practice...............950
Is Education Really Broadening?..........................................954
A Final Musing...........................................................956
Author Index.........................................................................959
Subject Index........................................................................983

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