Python Game Programming By Example +code

Книга Python Game Programming By Example +code

Название:Python Game Programming By Example
Автор:Alejandro Rodas de Paz, Joseph Howse
Издательство: PASKT
Год: 2015
Язык: English
Формат: epub+code
Размер: 2,7 Mb
A pragmatic guide for developing your own games with Python
About This Book
Strengthen your fundamentals of game programming with Python language
Seven hands-on games to create 2D and 3D games rapidly from scratch
Illustrative guide to explore the different GUI libraries for building your games
Who This Book Is For
If you have ever wanted to create casual games in Python and you would like to explore various GUI technologies that this language offers, this is the book for you. This title is intended for beginners to Python with little or no knowledge of game development, and it covers step by step how to build seven different games, from the well-known Space Invaders to a classical 3D platformer.
Table of Contents
1: Hello, Pong!
2: Cocos Invaders
3: Building a Tower Defense Game
4: Steering Behaviors
5: Pygame and 3D
6: PyPlatformer
7: Augmenting a Board Game with Computer Vision
What You Will Learn
Take advantage of Python’s clean syntax to build games quickly
Discover distinct frameworks for developing graphical applications
Implement non-player characters (NPCs) with autonomous and seemingly intelligent behaviors
Design and code some popular games like Pong and tower defense
Compose maps and levels for your sprite-based games in an easy manner
Modularize and apply object-oriented principles during the design of your games
Exploit libraries like Chimpunk2D, cocos2d, and Tkinter
Create natural user interfaces (NUIs), using a camera and computer vision algorithms to interpret the player’s real-world actions
In Detail
With a growing interest in learning to program, game development is an appealing topic for getting started with coding. From geometry to basic Artificial Intelligence algorithms, there are plenty of concepts that can be applied in almost every game. Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. It provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale. It is the third most popular language whose grammatical syntax is not predominantly based on C. Python is also very easy to code and is also highly flexible, which is exactly what is required for game development. The user-friendliness of this language allows beginners to code games without too much effort or training. Python also works with very little code and in most cases uses the “use cases” approach, reserving lengthy explicit coding for outliers and exceptions, making game development an achievable feat.
Python Game Programming by Example enables readers to develop cool and popular games in Python without having in-depth programming knowledge of Python. The book includes seven hands-on projects developed with several well-known Python packages, as well as a comprehensive explanation about the theory and design of each game.
It will teach readers about the techniques of game design and coding of some popular games like Pong and tower defense. Thereafter, it will allow readers to add levels of complexities to make the games more fun and realistic using 3D.
At the end of the book, you will have added several GUI libraries like Chimpunk2D, cocos2d, and Tkinter in your tool belt, as well as a handful of recipes and algorithms for developing games with Python.
Alejandro Rodas de Paz
Alejandro Rodas de Paz is a computer engineer and game developer from Seville, Spain.
He came across Python back in 2009, while he was studying at the University of Seville. Alejandro developed several academic projects with Python, from web crawlers to artificial intelligence algorithms. In his spare time, he started building his own games in Python. He did a minor in game design at Hogeschool van Amsterdam, where he created a small 3D game engine based on the ideas he learned during this minor.
He has also developed some open source projects, such as a Python API for the Philips Hue personal lighting system. You can find these projects in his GitHub account at
Prior to this publication, Alejandro collaborated with Packt Publishing as a technical reviewer on the book Tkinter GUI Application Development Hotshot.
Joseph Howse
Joseph Howse lives in Canada. During the winters, he grows his beard, while his four cats grow their thick coats of fur. He loves combing his cats every day and sometimes, his cats also pull his beard.
He has been writing for Packt Publishing since 2012. His books include OpenCV for Secret Agents, OpenCV Blueprints, Android Application Programming with OpenCV 3, OpenCV Computer Vision with Python, and Python Game Programming by Example.

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