Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Marketing Automation

Книга Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Marketing Automation

Название: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Marketing Automation
Автор:Alok Singh, Sandeep Chanda
Издательство: PASKT
Год: 2014
Язык: English
Формат: mobi
Размер: 11,8 Mb
Implement effective marketing strategies using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013.
About This Book
Hands-on and illustration focussed guide for beginners and expert marketers.
Detailed features of marketplace solutions explained to help marketers understand advanced email marketing concepts and capture profile and product usage data through web and social channels
Step by step information on creating marketing lists, campaigns, campaign responses, dashboards and reports with lots of screen shots for easy illustration.
Who This Book Is For
If you are a marketing manager, business analyst, or a CRM functional expert who wants to leverage Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 to create effective marketing strategies and run efficient campaigns, this book is for you. The book provides several step-by-step, hands-on examples and exercises for beginners to learn marketing concepts and create advanced marketing strategies for experts, respectively. There are no specific prerequisites but an awareness of basic marketing and CRM concepts will be useful.
Table of Contents
1: Getting Started with CRM Marketing
2: Segmentation with Marketing Lists
3: Marketing Campaigns
4: Campaign Response and Performance
5: Marketing Metrics, Analysis, and Goals
6: Enhance CRM Marketing with Marketplace Solutions
What You Will Learn
Implement basic marketing concepts such as lead funnel and close loop marketing
Create and manage targeted marketing lists tailored towards your audience
Plan, create, and execute your marketing campaign
Capture the campaign response of your marketing campaign
Measure the performance of your marketing campaign
Understand the marketing analytics reports and dashboards
Enhance out-of-box CRM marketing capabilities with marketplace solutions
In Detail
This practical guide offers you a clear business perspective of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 and helps to make your marketing efforts more profitable. The book is organized into six chapters with the intent of helping you become an effective marketer. Beginning with an introduction to marketing concepts in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, you will learn about marketing lead funnel and the concept of targeted and customer-centric marketing lists.
You will be able to plan, create, and execute marketing campaigns in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. You will then move on to capturing and managing the campaign responses to measure the campaign performance. You will use CRM analytics and dashboards to manage your marketing goals. Finally, you will learn to enhance the capabilities of your campaign using third-party tools. In short, you will be guided in every phase of your marketing efforts.
Alok Singh
Alok Singh is a senior consultant for CRM at Neudesic, a Microsoft National Systems Integrator and Gold Certified Partner. He is a specialist on Microsoft Dynamics CRM and has been consulting with Fortune 500 clients on the technology for the past several years. For more than five years, he has been involved in creating various CRM-based enterprise solutions spanning multiple industries and domains such as sales and marketing, telecom, retail, and finance. In addition to Microsoft Dynamics CRM, he has been working on several other Microsoft technologies, including .NET, Azure, and SharePoint. His areas of interest include gamification, Internet of Things, mobile development, smartphone ecosystems, and haptic devices.
Sandeep Chanda
Sandeep Chanda is the Director of Solutions at Neudesic, a Microsoft National Systems Integrator and Gold Certified Partner. He has been working on several Microsoft technologies (including but not limited to .NET, Azure, BizTalk, SharePoint, and Dynamics CRM) for the past ten years, building large-scale enterprise applications spanning multiple industries. He is a technology enthusiast and speaks at various corporate events and public webinars. He has authored several articles on Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 in DevX, and is the author of Microsoft Windows Identity Foundation Cookbook, Packt Publishing and Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 Databases, Apress. Recently, he has been involved in evangelizing aspects of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and developer collaboration using Team Foundation Server, and has been the speaker on these subjects at the Great Indian Developer Summit since 2012. He holds an M.S. degree in Software Systems from BITS, Pilani, and his areas of interest include service-oriented computing, cross-platform mobility, pervasive computing, haptic devices, and cloud computing.

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