Книга Swift by Example

Книга Книга Swift by Example

Название: Swift by Example
Автор: Giordano Scalzo
Страниц: 350
Формат: PDF
Размер: 12,5 mb
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Английский
Жанр: Programming
Год издания: 2015
Swift By Example takes the reader through the Swift programming language by building easy to complex apps using Swift. Just look on stackoverflow and github and you will see the growing use of the swift programming language.
Preface vii
Chapter 1: Welcome to the World of Swift 1
The first look at Swift 2
Let's go to the playground 3
The building blocks – variables and constants 5
Collect variables in containers 6
Controlling the flow 9
Transforming the values using functions 11
Structs – custom compounds type 13
Classes – common behavior objects 18
Loose coupling with protocols 20
Check the existence of an optionals value 21
Enumerations on steroids 22
A Guess the Number app in Swift 24
The app is… 24
Building a skeleton app 26
Adding the graphic components 27
Connecting the dots 31
Adding the code 35
Summary 39
Chapter 2: A Memory Game in Swift 41
The app is… 41
Building the skeleton of the app 42
The menu screen 43
Implementing the basic menu screen 43
Creating a nice menu screen 46
The game screen 47
The structure 48
Adding the collectionView class 49
Sizing the components 51
Connecting the datasource and the delegate 52
Implementing a deck of cards 54
What we are expecting 54
The Card entity 55
Crafting the deck 56
Shuffling the deck 57
Finishing the deck 58
Put the cards on the table 59
Adding the assets 59
The CardCell structure 60
Handling touches 61
Finishing the game 63
Implementing the game logic 63
We got a pair 64
We played a wrong turn 66
Et voilà! The game is completed 66
Summary 67
Chapter 3: A TodoList App in Swift 69
The app is… 69
Building a skeleton app 72
Implementing an empty app 72
Adding third-party libraries with CocoaPods 74
Implementing the Todos ViewController 76
Building the Todos screen 79
Adding the entities 80
Implementing the datastore 80
Connecting the datastore and the ViewController 81
Configuring tableView 82
Implementing TodoViewCell 83
Swipe that cell! 86
Adding a Todo task 90
The add a Todo ViewController 90
Updating the datastore 99
Adding a list 100
Implementing ListViewCell 100
Building ListViewController 102
Updating the datastore 105
Where do we go from here? 106
Summary 107
Chapter 4: A Pretty Weather App 109
The app is… 109
Building the skeleton 111
Creating the project 112
Adding the assets 113
Implementing the UI 115
The UI in blocks 116
Completing the UI 120
CurrentWeatherView 121
WeatherHourlyForecastView 124
WeatherDaysForecastView 128
Blurring the background 132
Downloading the background image 134
Searching in Flickr 135
Geolocalising the app 138
Using CoreLocation 138
Retrieving the actual forecast 141
Getting the forecast from OpenWeatherMap 141
Rendering CurrentWeatherView 144
Rendering WeatherHourlyForecastView 147
Rendering WeatherDaysForecastView 148
Connecting to the server 149
Where do we go from here? 154
Summary 154
Chapter 5: Flappy Swift 155
The app is… 155
Building the skeleton of the app 156
Creating the project 156
Implementing the menu 158
A stage for a bird 162
SpriteKit in a nutshell 162
Explaining the code 163
Simulating a three-dimensional world using parallax 164
How to implement the scrolling 166
A flying bird 169
Adding the Bird node 170
Making the bird flap 172
Pipes! 175
Implementing the pipes node 175
Making the components interact 180
Setting up the collision detection engine 180
Completing the game 186
Colliding with the pipes 186
Adding the score 187
Adding a restarting popup 188
Summary 190
Chapter 6: Polishing Flappy Swift 191
Adding juiciness 191
Let there be sounds! 191
Playing the soundtrack 193
Shaking the screen! 195
Integrating with Game Center 196
What Game Center provides 197
Setting up Game Center 197
Creating an app record on iTunes Connect 198
Enabling Game Center 200
Creating fake user accounts to test Game Center 203
Authenticating a player 204
Summary 209
Chapter 7: Cube Runner 211
The app is… 211
Introduction to SceneKit 212
What is SceneKit? 212
Building an empty scene 213
Adding a green torus 215
Let there be light! 216
Let's make it move! 217
Implementing Cube Runner 218
The game skeleton 218
Implementing the menu 219
Flying in a 3D world 223
Setting up the scene 223
Adding the fighter 226
Texturing the world 229
Adding the cubes 232
Adding more obstacles 238
Adding a few touches 240
The score 240
Let's add the music 242
Summary 243
Chapter 8: Completing Cube Runner 245
Making it a real game 245
Detecting collisions 245
Game Over! 248
Adding the juice 251
Game Center 255
Summary 258
Index 259

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