Книга Pro PHP and jQuery, 2nd edition

Книга Книга Pro PHP and jQuery, 2nd edition

Название: Pro PHP and jQuery, 2nd edition
Автор: Jason Lengstorf; Keith Wald
Страниц: 370
Формат: PDF
Размер: 12,5 mb
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Английский
Жанр: Programming
Год издания: 2016
Take advantage of the improved performance and reduced memory requirements of PHP version 7, and learn to utilize the new built-in PHP functions and features such as typed variable enforcement with declare(strict_types=1) and the new available data types, scalar type declarations for function arguments and return statements, constant arrays using define(), argument unpacking with the ... operator, integer division with intdiv(), the null coalesce operator, the spaceship operator, new exception types, and improvements to existing features.
Pro PHP and jQuery, Second Edition is for intermediate level programmers interested in building web applications using jQuery and PHP. Updated for PHP version 7 and the latest version of jQuery, this book teaches some advanced PHP techniques and it shows you how to take your dynamic applications to the next level by adding a javascript layer using the jQuery framework and APIs.
After reading and using this book, you'll come away having built a fully functional PHP and jQuery web application that you can reapply as a template for your own particular web application.
About the Authors
About the Technical Reviewer
Part 1: Getting Comfortable with jQuery
Part 2: Getting Into Advanced PHP Programming
Part 3: Combining jQuery with PHP Applications
Part 4: Advancing jQuery and PHP

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