Книга Make: Getting Started with Intel Edison

Книга Книга Make: Getting Started with Intel Edison

Название: Make: Getting Started with Intel Edison
Автор: Moyerman S.
Страниц: 206
Формат: PDF
Размер: 15.6 Мб
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2016
The Intel Edison is a crowning achievement of Intel's adaptation of its technology into maker-friendly products. They've packed the dual-core power of the Atom CPU, combined it with a sideboard microcontroller brain, and added in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Low Energy, and a generous amount of RAM (1GB) and flash storage (4GB).
This book, written by Stephanie Moyerman, a research scientist with Intel's Smart Device Innovation Team, teaches you everything you need to know to get started making things with Edison, the compact and powerful Internet of Things platform.
Projects and tutorials include:
Controlling devices over Bluetooth
Using Python and Arduino programming environments on Edison
Tracking objects with a webcam and OpenCV
Responding to voice commands and talking back
Using and configuring Linux on Edison
Chapter 1Introduction to Edison
Tour of Breakout Boards
Setup and Configuration
Going Further
Chapter 2Introduction to Linux
What Is Linux?
The Edison Filesystem
Basic Linux Commands
Scripting and More Advanced Linux Commands
The Internet
Installing Packages in Yocto
Text Editors
Going Further
Chapter 3Introduction to Arduino
What is Arduino
Materials List
The Arduino IDE
Sketches and Functions
Digital Output with Blink
Digital Input: Adding a Button
Analog Output
Analog Input
I2C Accelerometer
SPI Screen
Linux, C++, and the Arduino IDE
Going Further
Chapter 4Programming in Python
Hello, World in Python
Functions and Loops
Installing Libraries
Blink in Python
Button-Controlled Blink
Bluetooth-Controlled LED
The Potentiometer
I2C Accelerometer
SPI Screen
BLE Beacon
Going Further
Chapter 5Teach Edison to See
Materials List
Going Further
Chapter 6Exploring Sound
Materials List
Connecting a Headset
Playing and Recording Sounds
Makeshift MP3 Player
Recording Audio with Python
Speech Recognition
Controlling Devices
Going Further
Chapter 7Conclusions
Linux Flavors
Programming Languages
The Intel XDK IoT Edition
Shutdown Now
Appendix Materials

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Формат: Книга
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