Книга An Introduction to Python and Computer Programming

Книга Книга An Introduction to Python and Computer Programming

Название: An Introduction to Python and Computer Programming
Автор: Yue Zhang
Страниц: 295
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11 Мб
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2015
This book introduces Python programming language and fundamental concepts in algorithms and computing. Its target audience includes students and engineers with little or no background in programming, who need to master a practical programming language and learn the basic thinking in computer science/programming.
The main contents come from lecture notes for engineering students from all disciplines, and has received high ratings. Its materials and ordering have been adjusted repeatedly according to classroom reception. Compared to alternative textbooks in the market, this book introduces the underlying Python implementation of number, string, list, tuple, dict, function, class, instance and module objects in a consistent and easy-to-understand way, making assignment, function definition, function call, mutability and binding environments understandable inside-out. By giving the abstraction of implementation mechanisms, this book builds a solid understanding of the Python programming language.
Front Matter
An Introduction to Python and Computer Programming
Using Python as a Calculator
The First Python Program
Branching and Looping
Problem Solving Using Branches and Loops
Lists and Mutability
Sequences, Mappings and Sets
Problem Solving Using Lists and Functions

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Формат: Книга
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