JBoss AS 5 Development

Книга JBoss AS 5 Development

Автор: Francesco Marchioni
Год издания: 2010
Формат: pdf
Издат.: Packt Publishing
Страниц: 416
Размер: 5.64
ISBN: 978-1847196828
Язык: Английский

JBoss AS is the most used Java application server on the market meeting high standards of reliability, efficiency, and robustness and is used to build powerful and secure Java EE applications. It supports the most important areas of Java Enterprise programming including EJB 3.0, dependency injection, web services, the security framework, and more. Getting started with JBoss application server development can be challenging; however, with the right approach and guidance, you can easily master it and this book promises that.

Written in an easy-to-read style, this book will take you from the basics of JBoss AS--such as installing core components and plug-ins--to the skills that will make you a JBoss developer to be reckoned with, covering advanced topics such as developing applications with JBoss Messaging service, JBoss web services, clustered applications, and more.

You will learn the necessary steps to install a suitable environment for developing enterprise applications on JBoss AS. Then, your journey will continue through the heart of the application server, explaining how to customize each service for optimal usage. You will learn how to design Enterprise applications using Eclipse and JBoss plug-ins. You will then learn how to enable distributed communication using JMS. Storing and retrieving objects will be made easier using Hibernate. The core section of the book will take you into the programming arena with tested, real-world examples. The example programs have been carefully crafted to be easy to understand and useful as starting points for your applications.

This book will kick-start your productivity and help you to master JBoss AS development. The author's experience with JBoss enables him to share insights on JBoss AS development, in a clear and friendly way. By the end of the book, you will have the confidence to apply all the newest programming techniques to your JBoss applications.

What you will learn from this book

-Install the server core components and the development environment for JBoss AS easily and quickly
-Master the JBoss core services and tackle most common configuration issues
-Set up, configure, and deploy a complete Java EE Application on JBoss AS
-Learn all the nuts and bolts of the new JMS Provider: JBoss Messaging service
-Seamlessly integrate your Hibernate applications into the application server architecture
-Understand what Managed services are and how they can boost your applications
-Easily develop web applications using JBoss web services
-Learn theory behind clustering and see some concrete programming examples
Secure your applications using JBoss security framework
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