Intelligent Computer Graphics 2010 (Studies in Computational Intelligence)

Книга Intelligent Computer Graphics 2010 (Studies in Computational Intelligence)

Название: Intelligent Computer Graphics 2010 (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Автор: Dimitri Plemenos, Georgios Miaoulis
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2010
Страниц 261
ISBN: 3642156894
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11 MB
Язык Английский
Nowadays, intelligent techniques are more and more used in Computer Graphics in order to optimise the processing time, to find more accurate solutions for a lot of Computer Graphics problems, than with traditional methods, or simply to find solutions in problems where traditional methods fail. The purpose of this volume is to present current work of the Intelligent Computer Graphics community, a community growing up year after year. This volume is a kind of continuation of the previously published Springer volumes “Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Computer Graphics” (2008) and “Intelligent Computer Graphics 2009” (2009). This volume contains selected extended papers from the last 3IA Conference (3IA’2010), which has been held in Athens (Greece) in May 2010. This year papers are particularly exciting and concern areas like rendering, viewpoint quality, data visualisation, vision, computational aesthetics, scene understanding, intelligent lighting, declarative modelling, GIS, scene reconstruction and other important themes.

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