GitHub Essentials+code

Книга GitHub Essentials+code

Название: GitHub Essentials
Автор: Achilleas Pipinellis
Издательство: PACKT
Год: 2015
Язык: English
Формат: epub+code
Размер: 9,5 Mb
ntended for experienced or novice developers with a basic knowledge of Git. If you ever wanted to learn how big projects like Twitter, Google or even GitHub collaborate on code then this book is for you
About This Book
Effectively use GitHub by learning its key features that leverage the power of Git and make collaboration on code easy to work with.
Be more productive on the development workflow of your projects using the valuable toolset that GitHub provides.
Explore the world of GitHub by following simple step-by-step real world scenarios accompanied by helpful, explanatory screenshots
Who This Book Is For
Intended for experienced or novice developers with a basic knowledge of Git. If you ever wanted to learn how big projects like Twitter, Google or even GitHub collaborate on code then this book is for you
Table of Contents
1: Brief Repository Overview and Usage of the Issue Tracker
2: Using the Wiki and Managing Code Versioning
3: Managing Organizations and Teams
4: Collaboration Using the GitHub Workflow
5: GitHub Pages and Web Analytics
6: Exploring the User and Repository Settings
What You Will Learn
Create and upload repositories to your account
Create organizations and manage teams with different access levels on repositories
Use effectively the issue tracker and add context to issues with labels and milestones
Schedule and release versions of your software
Work effectively with a team and collaborate on code
Create, access, and personalize your user account and profile settings
Build a community around your project using the sophisticated tools GitHub provides
Build easy to deploy, free of charge static websites for your projects
In Detail
Whether you are an experienced developer or a novice, learning to work with Version Control Systems is a must in the software development world. Git is the most popular tool for that purpose and GitHub was built around it leveraging its powers by bringing it to the web.
Starting with the basics of creating a repository you will then learn how to manage the issue tracker, the place where discussion about your project takes place. Continuing our journey we will explore how to use the wiki and write rich documentation that will accompany your project. Organization and team management will be the next stop and then onto the feature that made GitHub so well known, Pull Requests. Next we focus on creating simple web pages hosted on GitHub and lastly we explore the settings that are configurable for a user and a repository.
Achilleas Pipinellis
Achilleas Pipinellis is an open source enthusiast and tries to get involved in as many projects as possible. He was introduced to Linux almost 10 years ago and hasn't looked back ever since. His distribution of choice is Arch Linux, a lightweight and flexible system that adheres to the KISS philosophy.
He is currently working as a system administrator and likes to try new technologies, especially those that require some special deployment. He also enjoys writing technical guides and articles that help people learn about new technologies. He strongly believes that comprehensive documentation is essential to a project's growth and recognition.
In his free time he practices Aikido and enjoys going to conferences that promote the open source movement.

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