Getting Started with Python and Raspberry Pi+code

Книга Getting Started with Python and Raspberry Pi+code

Название: Getting Started with Python and Raspberry Pi
Автор: Dan Nixon
Издательство: PACKT
Год: 2015
Язык: English
Формат: epub+code
Размер: 8,2 Mb
Learn to design and implement reliable Python applications on the Raspberry Pi using a range of external libraries, the Raspberry Pis GPIO port, and the camera module
About This Book
Learn the fundamentals of Python scripting and application programming
Design user-friendly command-line and graphical user interfaces
A step-by-step guide to learning Python programming with the Pi
Who This Book Is For
This book is designed for those who are unfamiliar with the art of Python development and want to get to know their way round the language and the many additional libraries that allow you to get a full application up and running in no time.
Table of Contents
1: Your First Steps with Python on the Pi
2: Understanding Control Flow and Data Types
3: Working with Data Structures and I/O
4: Understanding Object-oriented Programming and Threading
5: Packaging Code with setuptools
6: Accessing the GPIO Pins
7: Using the Camera Module
8: Extracting Data from the Internet
9: Creating Command-line Interfaces
10: Debugging Applications with PDB and Log Files
11: Designing Your GUI with Qt
What You Will Learn
Fundamentals of Python applications
Designing applications for multi-threading
Interacting with electronics and physical devices
Debugging applications when they go wrong
Packaging and installing Python modules
User interface design using Qt
Building easy to use command-line interfaces
Connecting applications to the Internet
In Detail
The Raspberry Pi is one of the smallest and most affordable single board computers that has taken over the world of hobby electronics and programming, and the Python programming language makes this the perfect platform to start coding with.
The book will start with a brief introduction to Raspberry Pi and Python. We will direct you to the official documentation that helps you set up your Raspberry Pi with the necessary equipment such as the monitor, keyboard, mouse, power supply, and so on. It will then dive right into the basics of Python programming. Later, it will focus on other Python tasks, for instance, interfacing with hardware, GUI programming, and more. Once you get well versed with the basic programming, the book will then teach you to develop Python/Raspberry Pi applications.
By the end of this book, you will be able to develop Raspberry Pi applications with Python and will have good understanding of Python programming for Raspberry Pi.
Dan Nixon
Dan Nixon is a software and electronics engineer living in the north of England. He has past experience of creating software for data analysis, process control, and business intelligence applications. In most of these projects, Python was one of the main languages used.
Dan previously authored another book on the uses of the Raspberry Pi, called Raspberry Pi Blueprints, and has worked on many personal projects that use both Python and the Raspberry Pi.

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