The Electrical Engineering Handbook, 2nd edition

Книга The Electrical Engineering Handbook, 2nd edition

Автор: Richard C. Dorf
Название: The Electrical Engineering Handbook, 2nd edition
Язык: English
Издательство: Boca Raton: CRC Press
Год: 2000
Формат: pdf
Размер: 51,4 mb
Страниц: 2752
In 1993, the first edition of The Electrical Engineering Handbook set a new standard for breadth and depth of coverage in an engineering reference work. Now, this classic has been substantially revised and updated to include the latest information on all the important topics in electrical engineering today. Every electrical engineer should have an opportunity to expand his expertise with this definitive guide.
In a single volume, this handbook provides a complete reference to answer the questions encountered by practicing engineers in industry, government, or academia. This well-organized book is divided into 12 major sections that encompass the entire field of electrical engineering, including circuits, signal processing, electronics, electromagnetics, electrical effects and devices, and energy, and the emerging trends in the fields of communications, digital devices, computer engineering, systems, and biomedical engineering. A compendium of physical, chemical, material, and mathematical data completes this comprehensive resource. Every major topic is thoroughly covered and every important concept is defined, described, and illustrated. Conceptually challenging but carefully explained articles are equally valuable to the practicing engineer, researchers, and students.
A distinguished advisory board and contributors including many of the leading authors, professors, and researchers in the field today assist noted author and professor Richard Dorf in offering complete coverage of this rapidly expanding field. No other single volume available today offers this combination of broad coverage and depth of exploration of the topics. The Electrical Engineering Handbook will be an invaluable resource for electrical engineers for years to come.
 Table of contents:
1 Passive Components M. Pecht, P. Fall, G. Ballou, C. Satikarati, N. Angelopoulos
Resistors • Capacitors and Inductors • Transformers • Electrical Fuses
2 Voltage and Current Sources R.C. Dorf, Z. Wan, C.R. Paul, /.£. Cogdell Step, Impulse, Ramp, Sinusoidal, Exponential, and DC Signals • Ideal and Practical Sources • Controlled Sources
3 Linear Circuit Analysis M.D. Ciletti, J.D. Irwin, A.D. Kraus, N. Balabanian, T.A. Bickart, S.P. Chan, N.S. Nise
Voltage and Current Laws • Node and Mesh Analysis • Network Theorems • Power and Energy • Three-Phase Circuits • Graph Theory • T\vo Port Parameters and Transformations
4 Passive Signal Processing W.J. Kerwin
Low-Pass Filter Functions • Low-Pass Filters • Filter Design
5 Nonlinear Circuits J.L. Hudgins, T.F. Bogart, Jr., K. Mayararn, M.P. Kennedy, G. Kolumbdn
Diodes and Rectifiers • Limiters • Distortion • Communicating with Chaos
6 Laplace Transform R.C. Dorf, Z. Wan, D.E. Johnson Definitions and Properties • Applications
7 State Variables: Concept and Formulation W.K. Chen
State Equations in Normal Form • The Concept of State and State Variables and Normal Ttee • Systematic Procedure in Writing State Equations • State Equations for Networks Described by Scalar Differential Equations • Extension to Time-Varying and Nonlinear Networks
8 The z-Transform R.C. Dorf, Z. Wan
Properties of the z-Transform • Unilateral z-Transform • z-Transform Inversion • Sampled Data
9 T-P Equivalent Networks Z. Wan, R.C. Dorf Three-Phase Connections • Wye Delta Transformations
10 Transfer Functions of Filters R.C. Dorf, Z. Wan
Ideal Filters • The Ideal Linear-Phase Low-Pass Filter • Ideal Linear-Phase Bandpass Filters • Causal Filters • Butterworth Filters • Chebyshev Filters
11 Frequency Response P. Neudorfer
Linear Frequency Response Plotting • Bode Diagrams • A Comparison of Methods
12 Stability Analysis F. Szidarovszky, A.T. Bahill
Using the State of the System to Determine Stability • Lyapunov Stability Theory • Stability of Time-Invariant Linear Systems • BIBO Stability • Physical Examples
13 Computer Software for Circuit Analysis and Design J.G. Rollins, P. Bendix Analog Circuit Simulation • Parameter Extraction for Analog Circuit Simulation

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