The Business of iOS App Development: For iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, 3 edition

Книга The Business of iOS App Development: For iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, 3 edition

Название:The Business of iOS App Development: For iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, 3 edition
Издательство: APRESS
Автор: Taylor Pierce
Количество страниц:433
Размер:14,9 Mb
Updated and expanded for the new Apple iOS8, The Business of iOS App Development, Third Edition shows you how to incorporate marketing and business savvy into every aspect of the design and development process, giving your app the best possible chance of succeeding in the App Store.
This book is written by experienced developers with business backgrounds, taking you step-by-step through cost-effective marketing techniques that have proven successful for professional iOS app creators��perfect for independent developers on shoestring budgets. No prior business knowledge is required.
The phenomenal success of the iPhone, iPad and the iPod touch have ushered in a "gold rush" for developers, but with well over a million apps in the highly competitive App Store, it has become increasingly difficult for new apps to stand out in the crowd. Achieving consumer awareness and sales longevity for your iOS app requires a lot of organization and some strategic planning. This is the book you wish you had read before you launched your first app!

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