Scalable Big Data Architecture: A practitioners guide to choosing relevant Big Data architecture

Книга Scalable Big Data Architecture: A practitioners guide to choosing relevant Big Data architecture

Название: Scalable Big Data Architecture: A practitioners guide to choosing relevant Big Data architecture
Автор: Bahaaldine Azarmi
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2015
Страниц: 141
Язык: English
Формат: pdf
Размер: 4.1 mb
This book highlights the different types of data architecture and illustrates the many possibilities hidden behind the term "Big Data", from the usage of No-SQL databases to the deployment of stream analytics architecture, machine learning, and governance.
Scalable Big Data Architecture covers real-world, concrete industry use cases that leverage complex distributed applications , which involve web applications, RESTful API, and high throughput of large amount of data stored in highly scalable No-SQL data stores such as Couchbase and Elasticsearch. This book demonstrates how data processing can be done at scale from the usage of NoSQL datastores to the combination of Big Data distribution.
When the data processing is too complex and involves different processing topology like long running jobs, stream processing, multiple data sources correlation, and machine learning, it’s often necessary to delegate the load to Hadoop or Spark and use the No-SQL to serve processed data in real time.
This book shows you how to choose a relevant combination of big data technologies available within the Hadoop ecosystem. It focuses on processing long jobs, architecture, stream data patterns, log analysis, and real time analytics. Every pattern is illustrated with practical examples, which use the different open sourceprojects such as Logstash, Spark, Kafka, and so on.

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