Pro Android 5+ code

Книга Pro Android 5+ code

Название:Pro Android 5
Издательство: Dave MacLean
Год: 2015
Страниц: 752
Язык: English
Формат: epub+pdf+code
Размер: 3 Mb, 8 Mb, 48 Mb
Covers everything from the fundamentals of building apps for smartphones, tablets, and embedded devices to advanced concepts such as custom components, multi-tasking, sensors/augmented reality, better accessories support and much more. Learn to use key Android features such as Fragments, the ActionBar, Android's location-based services, network-based services, and security.
Covers everything from the fundamentals of building apps for smartphones, tablets, and embedded devices to advanced concepts such as custom components, multi-tasking, sensors/augmented reality, better accessories support and much more. Learn to use key Android features such as Fragments, the ActionBar, Android's location-based services, network-based services, and security.
Using the tutorials and expert advice, you'll quickly be able to build cool mobile apps and run them on dozens of Android-based smartphones.
You'll explore and use the Android APIs, including those for media and sensors.
And you'll check out what's new in Android, including the improved user interface across all Android platforms, integration with services, and more.
By reading this definitive tutorial and reference, you'll gain the knowledge and experience to create stunning, cutting-edge Android apps that can make you money, while keeping you agile enough to respond to changes in the future.
What you’ll learn
How to use Android to build Java-based mobile apps for Android smartphones and tablets
How to build irresistible user interfaces (UIs) and user experiences (UXs) across Android devices
How to populate your application with data from data sources, using Content Providers
How to build multimedia and game apps using Android's media APIs
How to use Android's location-based services, network-based services, and security
How to use key Android features, such as Fragments and the ActionBar
Who this book is for
This book is for professional software engineers and programmers looking to move their ideas and applications into the mobile space with Android. It assumes a passable understanding of Java, including how to write classes and handle basic inheritance structures.
Table of Contents
1 Hello, World
2 Introduction to Android Applications
3 Basic User Interface Controls
4 Adapters and List Controls
5 Making Advanced UI Layouts
6 Adding Menus and ActionBar
7 Styles and Themes
8 Fragments
9 Responding to Configuration Changes
10 Dialogs: Regular and Fragment
11 Working with Preferences and Saving State
12 Compatibility Library
13 Exploring Packages, Processes, Components, Threads and Handlers
14 Working with Services
15 Advanced Async Task & Progress Dialogs
16 Exploring Broadcast Receivers and Long Running Services
17 Exploring the Alarm Manager
18 Unveiling 2D Animation
19 Exploring Maps and Location Services
20 Understanding the Media Frameworks
21 Home Screen Widgets
22 Touchscreens
23 Drag and Drop
24 Using Sensors
25 Understanding Content Providers
26 Understanding the Contacts API
27 Loaders
28 Security and Permissions
29 Google Cloud messaging and services
30 Deploying Your Application: Google Play Store and Beyond

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