Liferay Portal 6 Enterprise Intranets

Книга Liferay Portal 6 Enterprise Intranets

Jonas X. Yuan
Издательство: Packt Publishing
Год издания: 2010
Страниц: 692
ISBN: 1849510385, 978-1849510387
Язык: английский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 10.7 Мб
Liferay Portal is the world’s leading open-source portal platform built on Java and Web 2.0 technologies. It was designed to not only simplify your work experience but cater to your preferences and needs. With this book in hand, you will be able to solve all your Intranet development-related queries. After all, a solution shouldn’t just work-it should work for you.
This practical guide gives you hands-on experience on using Liferay Portal. It uses the latest in Java, J2EE, and Web 2.0 technologies to deliver solutions for enterprises across both public and private sectors. This book will help you get to grips with Liferay Portal, allowing you to deploy its flexibility in a number of different scenarios to meet your key business needs.
This book is a complete guide to building an intranet with Liferay-assessing your needs, installing the software, starting using it, deploying portlets, customizing it per your requirements, and training users. The book focuses on leveraging the Liferay framework by configuring the XML files, without changing the underlying Java code. Each chapter gives practical guidance on how to install, use configure, customize, implement, integrate, and enhance Liferay portal. There are many step-by-step examples for better understanding.
Learn how to implement a complete corporate intranet using the features of Liferay
Build and maintain impressive corporate intranets with Liferay
Develop a professional Intranet using Liferay’s practical functionality, usability, and technical innovation
Enhance your Intranet using your innovation and Liferay Portal’s out-of-the-box portlets
Maximize your existing and future IT investments by optimizing your usage of Liferay Portal
Clear, step-by-step instructions, practical examples, and straightforward explanations
What you will learn from this book
Install and configure Liferay Portal
Set up the navigation structure for the intranet
Manage users, groups, and roles and enable staff to communicate using discussion forums
Create Wikis, Web Forms, and Polls and manage Blogs and RSS
Configure instant messaging server, mail server, mail portlet, and SMS text messenger portlet
Administer communities, use community tools, set up virtual hosting, staging, and publishing for communities
Handle federated search and OpenSearch and deploy search-based portlets
Manage Admin portlet and Enterprise Admin portlet
Integrate with Alfresco, LDAP, and SSO and apply SSO authentication for both portal and portlets

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