Jennifer Fulton, Karen S. Fredricks - Outlook 2010. All-in-One For Dummies

Книга Jennifer Fulton, Karen S. Fredricks - Outlook 2010. All-in-One For Dummies

Extensive coverage on using Microsoft Outlook to manage and organize your day.
As the number one e-mail client and personal information manager, Microsoft Outlook offers a set of uncomplicated features that maximize the management of your e-mail, schedule, and general daily activities, with the least amount of hassle possible. Comprised of ten minibooks in one and packed with more than 800 pages, this All-in-One For Dummies reference walks you through the convenience of Microsoft Outlook and introduces you to the newest features of the 2010 version.
After a description of how to get started with Outlook 2010, you’ll get complete coverage on e-mail basics, advanced e-mail features, working with the calendar, managing contacts, and working with Business Contact Manager. You’ll learn how to track tasks, take notes, and record items in the journal, as well as customize and manage Outlook and get mobile with Outlook.
•Offers soup-to-nuts coverage of Microsoft Outlook 2010, the newest version of the number one most popular e-mail manager
•Walks you through getting started with Outlook and e-mail basics, and gradually progresses to more advanced features and capabilities of e-mail
•Explains how to work with the Outlook 2010 calendar and manage your contacts
•Addresses tracking tasks, taking notes, recording items in the journal, and working with Business Contact Manager
•Shows you how to customize your Outlook, manage all the information within Outlook, and take Outlook on the road
Get a whole new outlook on Outlook 2010 with this complete guide!
Feel more confident and be twice as productive — organize your life with Outlook!
Most people think Outlook is just an e–mail program, but not you! You′re about to learn all the wonderful ways it can help you manage your time and your life. This beefy book shows you how to set up and use Outlook to keep your calendar, track tasks and contacts, organize random bits of essential information, and yes, do e–mail.
•Somewhere to start — navigate Outlook, set up your e–mail accounts, and create quick messages and appointments
•E–mail, plus — manage multiple accounts, send and receive text messages, and create mass mailings
•What′s up today? — create and change appointments, meetings, and day–long events, share your calendar, and add Internet calendars to
•Things to do with contacts — create contacts from e–mails and look up their Web sites or map their addresses
•OneNote, many skills — track tasks, take notes, and organize them all according to subject with OneNote
•Give Outlook the business — use Business Contact Manager to manage not only contacts, but accounts, revenue, and more
•Manage the manager — organize your stuff and automate Outlook to keep it that way
•Outlook on the move — check e–mail while on the road and automatically handle e–mail and meeting requests
Open the book and find:
•How to manage tasks with the To–Do bar
•Methods for importing data from old e–mail accounts
•Quick ways to stay connected through social networks
•How to grab news from Internet sources
•Great ways to manage projects and your life with OneNote
•How customizations make Outlook even easier to use
•Tips on cleaning up e–mail clutter
10 Books in 1
•Getting Started
•E–mail Basics
•Über E–mail
•Working with the Calendar
•Managing Contacts
•Organizing Life with OneNote
•Working with Business Contact Manager
•Customizing Outlook
•Managing Your Outlook Stuff
•Taking Outlook on the Road
Название: Outlook 2010 All-in-One For Dummies
Автор: Jennifer Fulton, Karen S. Fredricks
Издательство: For Dummies
Страниц: 936
Размер: 25,8 Мб
Качество: Хорошее
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2010
ISBN: 0470487739 

Рейтинг: 4.8 баллов / 2537 оценок
Формат: Книга
Уже скачали: 12726 раз

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