Abusing the Internet of Things: Blackouts, Freakouts, and Stakeouts

Книга Abusing the Internet of Things: Blackouts, Freakouts, and Stakeouts

Название:Abusing the Internet of Things: Blackouts, Freakouts, and Stakeouts
Автор: Nitesh Dhanjani,
Год: 2015
Страниц:O'Reilly Media
Язык: English
Формат: epub
Размер: 43 Mb
A future with billions of connected "things" includes monumental security concerns. This practical book explores how malicious attackers can abuse popular IoT-based devices, including wireless LED lightbulbs, electronic door locks, baby monitors, smart TVs, and connected cars
If you’re part of a team creating applications for Internet-connected devices, this guide will help you explore security solutions. You’ll not only learn how to uncover vulnerabilities in existing IoT devices, but also gain deeper insight into an attacker’s tactics.
Analyze the design, architecture, and security issues of wireless lighting systems
Understand how to breach electronic door locks and their wireless mechanisms
Examine security design flaws in remote-controlled baby monitors
Evaluate the security design of a suite of IoT-connected home products
Scrutinize security vulnerabilities in smart TVs
Explore research into security weaknesses in smart cars
Delve into prototyping techniques that address security in initial designs
Learn plausible attacks scenarios based on how people will likely use IoT devices
Chapter 1Lights Out—Hacking Wireless Lightbulbs to Cause Sustained Blackouts
Why hue?
Controlling Lights via the Website Interface
Controlling Lights Using the iOS App
Changing Lightbulb State
If This Then That (IFTTT)
Chapter 2Electronic Lock Picking—Abusing Door Locks to Compromise Physical Security
Hotel Door Locks and Magnetic Stripes
The Case of Z-Wave-Enabled Door Locks
Bluetooth Low Energy and Unlocking via Mobile Apps
Chapter 3Assaulting the Radio Nurse—Breaching Baby Monitors and One Other Thing
The Foscam Incident
The Belkin WeMo Baby Monitor
Some Things Never Change: The WeMo Switch
Chapter 4Blurred Lines—When the Physical Space Meets the Virtual Space
Interoperability with Insecurity Leads to…Insecurity
Chapter 5The Idiot Box—Attacking “Smart” Televisions
The TOCTTOU Attack
You Call That Encryption?
Understanding and Exploiting the App World
Inspecting Your Own Smart TV (and Other IoT Devices)
Chapter 6Connected Car Security Analysis—From Gas to Fully Electric
The Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Exploiting Wireless Connectivity
The Tesla Model S
Chapter 7Secure Prototyping—littleBits and cloudBit
Introducing the cloudBit Starter Kit
Security Evaluation
Abuse Cases in the Context of Threat Agents
Bug Bounty Programs
Chapter 8Securely Enabling Our Future—A Conversation on Upcoming Attack Vectors
The Thingbots Have Arrived
The Rise of the Drones
Cross-Device Attacks
Hearing Voices
IoT Cloud Infrastructure Attacks
The Lurking Heartbleed
Diluting the Medical Record
The Data Tsunami
Targeting Smart Cities
Interspace Communication Will Be a Ripe Target
The Dangers of Superintelligence
Chapter 9Two Scenarios—Intentions and Outcomes
The Cost of a Free Beverage
A Case of Anger, Denial, and Self-Destruction

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